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A-Levels Biology f211 Mind Map on Exchange, created by Gemma Bradford on 08/05/2013.
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biology f211
biology f211
Mind Map by
Gemma Bradford
, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by
Gemma Bradford
almost 12 years ago
Resource summary
Exchange Surfaces
Organisms exchange substances with it's environment
Cells take in oxygen/nutrients
Cells excrete waste products
Surface area to volume ratio
Larger an organism gets, surface area is smaller compared to volume
Single celled organisms have a large SA:V
Short diffusion distances
Multicellular organisms
Large diffusion distance
Low SA:V
More active
Higher need for exchange
Gaseous Exchange
Trachea = windpipe
Splits into 2 bronchi, leading to each lung
Each bronchus branches into bronchioles
End in alveoli where exchange takes place
Surrounded by capillaries
Single layer of thin, flat cells - alveolar epithelium
Short diffusion distance
Walls contain elastic fibres
O2 diffuses from alveoli, across epithelium + endothelium and into haemoglobin in capillaries
CO2 diffuses from capillaries, across epithelium + endothelium and into alveoli
After entering alveolar space, CO2 is breathed out
Many alveoli
Large surface area
Alveolar epithelium and capillary endothelium only 1 cell thick
Short diffusion distance
Good blood supply from capillaries
Maintaining steep concentration gradient
Diaphragm and intercostal muscles maintain concentration gradients
Goblet cells
Secrete mucus trapping microorganisms and dust particles
Prevent them reaching alveoli
Waft mucus up airway where it is swallowed
Prevents lung infection
Elastic fibres
Stretched = breathing in, recoil = push air out when exhaling
Smooth muscle
Controls diameter of airways, so less resistance to airflow
Walls of trachea + bronchi
Strong and flexible to stop collapse of airways when you breathe in
Provides support
1) Intercostal and diaphragm muscles contract
2) Ribcage moves upwards and outwards
3) Diaphragm increasing volume of thorax
4) Lung pressure decreases below atmospheric pressure
5) Air flows into lungs
Requires energy
1) Intercostal and diaphragm muscles relax
2) Ribcage moves downwards and inwards
3) Diaphragm becomes curved, decreasing volume in thorax
4) Lung pressure increases to above atmospheric pressure
5) Air forced out of lungs
Does not require energy
Oxygen filled chamber with lid
Breathing in/out = the lid moves up and down
Recorded by pen on a rotating drum = spirometer trace
Soda lime in breathing tube
Absorbs carbon dioxide
Nose clip to prevent breathing through nose
Airtight, no leaks
Secure and sterilised mouthpiece
Tidal volume
Volume of air in each breath
Vital capacity
Maximum volume of air breathed in/out
Breathing rate
How many breaths taken per minute
Oxygen uptake
Rate of person uses up oxygen
Transport in Animals
Circulatory system
Blood passes through heart once for each complete circuit of the body
Heart pumps blood to gills then to rest of body
Blood passes through the heart twice for each complete circuit of the body
Pulmonary system sends blood to lungs
Systemic system sends blood to the rest of the body
Blood inside vessels
Blood flows freely through body cavity
Inferior vena cava
Superior vena cava
Pulmonary artery
Semi lunar valve
Tricuspid valve
Pulmonary vein
Semi lunar valve
Bicuspid valve
Coronary arteries covering heart surface
Provide heart with oxygenated blood supply
Cardiac muscle
Contracts creating high pressure
Left ventricle has thicker muscular walls
Pumps blood all way round body
Ventricles have thicker walls than atria
Pump blood further distance
1) Ventricles relax
2) Atria fill with blood
Increasing pressure
3) Pressure opens atrioventricular valves
4) Blood flows into ventricles
5) Atria contract
Increasing pressure forcing blood out
6) Ventricles contract and artria relax
7) High pressure in ventricles
Atrioventricular valves close
Semi lunar valves open
8) Blood forced into artery
9) Ventricles and atria relax
10) High pressure in artery
Closes semi lunar valves
11) Atria fill with blood due to high pressure in vein
Electrical Activity
Control of Heartbeat
Cardia muscle is myogenic
Can contract/relax without signals from nerves
1) Sino atrial node in right atrium sends wave of excitement over atrial walls
Right and left atria contract at same time
2) Non-conducting collagen tissue prevents wave passing to ventricles
Causes delay so atria empty before ventricles contract
3) Waves transferred from SAN to atrioventricular node
4) Bundle of HIS conduct waves of electrical activity to purkyne tissue in ventricle walls
5) Purkyne tissue carries waves into ventricle walls
Contract up from apex simultaneously
Checks heart functioning
Heart muscle loses electrical charge when contracting (depolarises)
Heart muscle regains electrical charge when relaxing (repolarises)
Electrocardiograph records changes in electrical charge
Electrodes placed on chest
One full heartbeat consists of P wave, QRS complex and T wave
P wave - contraction of atria
QRS complex - contraction of ventricles
T wave - relaxation of ventricles
Heart rate (bpm) = 60/time taken for 1 heart beat
Fast heart rate
Shows heart isn't pumping blood efficiently
Ok in exercise
Ventricle problems
Some P waves not followed by QRS complex
Impulses from AVN not travelling from atria to ventricles
Irregular heartbeat
Loss of rhythm of ventricles/atria
Can result to fainting/chest pain
Blood Vessels
Carry blood from heart to body
Thick muscular walls
Elastic tissue to withstand high pressure
Endothelium folded allowing artery to expand
Withstand high pressure
Carry oxygenated blood
Pulmonary artery carries deoxygenated blood to lungs
High pressure
Branched from arteries
Walls one cell thick
Quick diffusion
Low pressure
Carry blood back to heart
Wide lumen
Valves to prevent backflow
Carry deoxygenated blood
Pulmonary veins carry oxygenated blood to heart from lungs
Tissue fluid
Surrounds cells in tissues
Cells take in oxygen and nutrients in from tissue fluid and release metabolic waste into it
Pressure filtration
Pressure filtration
Capillary bed
Network of capillaries in an area of tissue
Substances move out of capillaries into tissue fluid by pressure filtration
Start of capillary bed
Nearest arteries
Hydrostatic pressure inside capillaries is greater than in tissue fluid
Difference forces fluid out of capillaries, into space around cells = tissue fluid
Reduces pressure in capillaries so at end of bed, hydrostatic pressure is low
Fluid loss = water potential at end of bed is lower than in tissue fluid
Water enters capillaries from tissue fluid at end by osmosis
Does not contain red blood cells/large proteins
Too large to be pushed through capillary walls
Lymph vessels
Fluid that does not re-enter capillaries at end of bed passes into lymph vessels
Called lymph when inside
Valves in lymph vessels stop it going backwards
Moves toward main lymph vessels in thorax, returning to blood
Contains white blood cells, solutes and has high water potential
Found in red blood cells, carrying oxygen around the body
Large protein, quaternary structure with 4 polypeptide chains
Each chain has a haem group with iron
Each haemoglobin molecule can carry 4 oxygen molecules
Oxygen joins to iron in hb to form oxyhaemoglobin
Joining = association
Body cells
Oxygen leaves oxyhaemoglobin and turns back to hb
Leaves = disassociation
Tendency a molecule has to bind with oxygen
Depends on conditions such as partial pressure of oxygen
pO2 = measure of oxygen concentration
Higher concentration of dissolved oxygen in cells = higher partial pressure
As pO2 increases = hb's affinity for oxygen increases
Oxygen associates with hb to form oxyhaemoglobin with high pO2
Oxyhaemoglobin disassociates oxygen with lower pO2
Have high pO2 = oxygen associates with hb
Respiring tissue
Low pO2 = oxygen dissociates from hb
Shows how saturated hb is with oxygen at any given pO2
S shaped curve
When hb first combines with oxygen, it's shape alters so it's easier for other molecules to join
As hb becomes more saturated, shape makes it harder for other oxygen molecules to join
Curve steeps in the middle where it is easy for oxygen to join
Less steep at ends where it is harder for oxygen to join
Fetal Haemoglobin
Higher affinity for oxygen than adult hb
Fetus gets oxygen from mother's blood across placenta
By reaching placenta, saturation of hb has decreased
Some used up by mother's body
Placenta has low pO2 = adult hb will dissociate it's oxygen
Fetal hb becomes more saturated in lower pO2 than adult hb
Left of adult dissociation curve
Carbon dioxide concentration
partial pressure of CO2 is a measure of concentration of CO2 in a cell
pCO2 affects oxygen dissociation
Hb gives up it's oxygen more at higher pCO2
Respiring cells release CO2, increasing rate of oxygen dissociation
S curve shifts right
Bohr effect
10% of CO2 produced binds with hb and carried to lungs
90% of CO2 produced diffuses into red blood cells, converted to carbonic acid by carbonic anahydrase enzyme
Carbon acid splits to give hydrogen and hydrogencarbonate ions
More hydrogen ions = oxyheamoglobin dissociates to take up ions
Forming haemoglobinic acid
Prevents cell from becoming more acidic
Hydrogencarbonate ions diffuse out of red blood cells into blood plasma
At lungs, the low pCO2 causes hydrogencarbonate and hydrogen ions to recombine to CO2
Then diffuses into alveoli to be breathed out
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