What's Up With Bees?


Use this mind map to help you organize notes from your research about the blight of bees.
Caitlin Weaver
Mind Map by Caitlin Weaver, updated more than 1 year ago
Caitlin Weaver
Created by Caitlin Weaver over 7 years ago

Resource summary

What's Up With Bees?
  1. Why are bees dying?
    1. Are chemicals and pesticides a problem?
      1. Yes
        1. The EU passed laws to stop the use of chemicals.
        2. No
        3. Some bees got sick, and some bees were not eating well.
        4. Why are bees important?
          1. Pollination
            1. Farmers can earn more money when bees help the crops grow
              1. Modern growers depend on bees.
                1. Some bee keepers travel with bees or move them around to help with pollination.
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