Believing in God


IGCSE RPE (Unit 2) Mind Map on Believing in God, created by amyzhang98 on 17/04/2014.
Mind Map by amyzhang98, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by amyzhang98 almost 11 years ago

Resource summary

Believing in God
  1. Upbringing
    1. Faith School
      1. Confirmation
        1. Celebrations
          1. Church
          2. Religious Experiences
            1. Numinous Experience
              1. Conversion
                1. Answered Prayers
                  1. Miracles
                  2. Causation Argument
                    1. Thomas Aquinas First Cause
                    2. Design (Teleological) Argument
                      1. Paley's Watch Analogy
                        1. Newton & the thumb (uniqueness)
                          1. Convincing
                            1. step by step logical conclusion
                              1. proves existence of God (not nature)
                                1. uses empirical evidence
                              2. Unanswered Prayers
                                1. Non-believers
                                  1. God is dead/does not exist
                                    1. God is not all loving/powerful/knowing
                                    2. Believers
                                      1. Prayers answered in unexpected ways
                                        1. God doesn't answer to selfish requests/small matters
                                          1. God only answers prayers of true believers who obey
                                            1. Communicating with God helps to find answers within
                                          2. Scientific Explanations
                                            1. Big Bang Theory
                                              1. R: God caused the Big Bang
                                              2. Nietzsche's Imperfect World
                                                1. Darwin and natural selection
                                                  1. R: Intelligence driving these changes
                                                2. Problem and Evil/Suffering
                                                  1. Natural Evil is not the fault of humans
                                                    1. R: Fall of man introduced original sin
                                                    2. Inconsistent triad
                                                      1. R: Humans have free will
                                                        1. R: Test of faith (Job)
                                                        2. Innocent suffering
                                                          1. R: Reasons beyond human understanding
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