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Social Learning
Social Learning and imitation Mind Map on Social Learning, created by arashi0712 on 07/05/2013.
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social learning and imitation
social learning and imitation
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, updated more than 1 year ago
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almost 12 years ago
Resource summary
Social Learning
functional compromise to problems associated with both species typical behaviour andindividual learning
fast trasmission
learning opportunities = information exchange
some developmental process that depend on socially mediated learning
locale specific behaviours
Local enhancement
attention drawn to some aspect of the environment by an action undertaken there
attentional response to observation that may not have otherwise been seen
social facilitation
presense of model thought to instigate learning on part of the learner
increased group size assoc with increased foraging rates per individual
reduced fear, lower vigilance, increased time and energy to foraging, social facilitation through high motivation or a reduction on fear
learn as a direct result of observation about responses actions patterns of behaviour that a particular outcome has a benefit
most difficult form of social learning
must be a new behaviour learned from others
new manipulation
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