

User has deleted their subject information Mind Map on Sequencing, created by Deleted user on 20/12/2016.
Deleted user
Mind Map by Deleted user, updated more than 1 year ago More Less
Created by a deleted user over 7 years ago
Copied by a deleted user over 7 years ago

Resource summary

  1. Require:
    1. Lots of DNA of interes
      1. Way to examine the sequence
        1. Sequencing
          1. sequencing or dideoxy sequencing
            1. Materials
              1. DNA template
                1. Taq Polymerase
                  1. dNTPs
                    1. single DNA primer
                      1. If 2: both primers extend at same time, resulting in production of multiple bands: Cannot determine sequence
                      2. ddNTPs (no 3'-OH group)
                        1. If added to polymer during replication, nothing more can be added
                          1. 50% chance of adding a dNTP or ddNTP if dNTP and ddNTP are added in equal amounts
                        2. 4 tubes:
                          1. 1) ddATP, dTTP, dCTP, dGTP
                            1. 2) ddTTP, dATP, dCTP, dGTP
                              1. 3) ddCTP, dATP, dTTP, dGTP
                                1. 4) ddGTP, dATP, dTTP, dCTP
                              2. Process:
                                1. 1) Denature 2 strands of DNA by heating
                                  1. 2) Anneal primer
                                    1. lower temp
                                      1. 3) synthesize DNA
                                        1. Heat
                          2. Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR)
                            1. PCR steps
                              1. 1) Initiation
                                1. 30 sec at 94-96 C
                                  1. Denature dsDNA to ssDNA
                                    1. 1 min at 55-65 C
                                      1. annealing from cooling - primers bind
                                2. 2) Elongation
                                  1. 1 min at 72 C
                                    1. synthesis and extension
                                  2. 3) Termination
                                    1. 30 sec 94-96 C
                                      1. Require three cycles to get desired product
                                        1. Intermediate products
                                          1. Final Product
                                      2. Materials
                                        1. DNA you want to amplify: template
                                          1. Multiple copies of 2 DNA primers
                                            1. Forward Primer
                                              1. Extend L to R
                                              2. Reverse Primer
                                                1. Extend R to L
                                                2. 15-20 nucleotides long
                                                3. dNTPs
                                                  1. DNA polymerase
                                                    1. Taq polymerase
                                                      1. Organisms in heat vents, so can withstand high temp without denaturing
                                                      2. adds nucleotide to 3'-OH group
                                                        1. Reads template 3' to 5'
                                                        2. Thermocycler
                                                        3. Agarose Gel Electrophoresis
                                                          1. DNA staining
                                                            1. Ethidium Bromide or SYBR Safe
                                                              1. Flouresce under UV
                                                            2. Agarose: pore size depends on concentr of agarose
                                                              1. Load DNA into wells
                                                                1. Apply electric field
                                                                  1. DNA moves from - to +
                                                                    1. DNA is negatively charged
                                                                      1. Shorter pieces of DNA travel further
                                                                        1. Molecular ruler or DNA ladder - mixtures of DNA fragments of known sizes
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