Polymorphism Detection


User has deleted their subject information Mind Map on Polymorphism Detection, created by Deleted user on 20/12/2016.
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Resource summary

Polymorphism Detection
  1. Transcription
    1. RNA
      1. Northern Blot
        1. Materials
          1. Total mRNA fraction
            1. Agarose gel
              1. Filter
                1. Radioactive probes of ssDNA complimentary to mRNA of interst
                2. Steps
                  1. Isolate mRNA
                    1. Electrophoresis of RNA sample
                      1. smear of RNA
                        1. Transfer RNA to filter
                          1. Incubate filter with radioactive probe
              2. DNA
                1. Detect SNPs in DNA
                  1. Sanger sequencing
                    1. ddNTP
                    2. Restriction Fragment Length Polymorphisms (RFLP)
                      1. Materials
                        1. DNA of interest
                          1. Restriction enzymes
                            1. cut at restriction sites
                            2. Buffer
                              1. maintain optimal conditions
                            3. Steps
                              1. Add materials
                                1. incubate tube for X min at Y temp
                                2. How to detect SNP
                                  1. seq has SNP that causes restriction site/target site
                                    1. Therefore, cut DNA in more places
                                      1. More smaller fragments
                                        1. Electrophoresis on gel
                                          1. Southern Blot
                                            1. RFLP with radio-labeled DNA
                                              1. After restriction fragments run out on gel
                                                1. products are denatured (dsDNA to ssDNA)
                                                  1. Transfer to filter
                                                    1. Put filter in bag with radio-labeled nucleic acid probe
                                                      1. Expose X-ray film to membrane
                                                2. SNPs or SSLPs
                                                3. DNA must be stained to see
                                                  1. Thicker: 2x amount
                                      2. Microarray
                                        1. computer compares multiple sequences at once
                                        2. PCR
                                          1. stain and electrophoresis
                                      3. Translation
                                        1. Protein
                                          1. Western Blot
                                            1. Materials
                                              1. Protein of interest
                                                1. Polyacrylamide gel
                                                  1. smaller pores than agrose
                                                  2. filter
                                                    1. antibody
                                                      1. protein that binds to protein of interest
                                                    2. Steps
                                                      1. Isolate all proteins
                                                        1. Run proteins on gel
                                                          1. transfer to filter
                                                            1. incubate filter with radioactive probe
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