Self Study Project


self study project
Carley Bridges
Mind Map by Carley Bridges, updated more than 1 year ago
Carley Bridges
Created by Carley Bridges over 8 years ago

Resource summary

Self Study Project
  1. How do you know what reading level a child is on ?
    1. asses the child
      1. running records
        1. assessment tasks
        2. start based on grade
          1. kindergarten- aa, a; first grade a, b and so on
            1. can go lower or high than grade level if needed
            2. should be challenged but not too much
              1. should be slightly challenged but not frusturated
                1. should not get 100% right
              2. How can I teach my child to decode on their own?
                1. demonstration
                  1. read first then let child read
                    1. OR pair read and help the child with words they don't know
                    2. show how to break a word apart
                      1. show how to start with first letter
                        1. show videos
                          1. show how to sound words out
                          2. practice
                            1. games
                              1. air writing
                                1. letter work
                                  1. matching
                                    1. teach to self correct
                                      1. flashcards
                                        1. work on phonics
                                      2. What are some strategies to help English Language Learners with reading comprehension?
                                        1. Use verbal and written feedback
                                          1. write down feedback so they can refer back to it and use it to practice reading
                                            1. Give verbal feedback in the moment while students have the work in front of them
                                              1. taking time to give feedback allows student to ask questions
                                              2. Paired reading
                                                1. Modeling. read with student so you can demonstrate how to read correctly (pointing as you read, decoding words)
                                                  1. share thinking process aloud
                                                    1. have them read with other students
                                                      1. read slowly and pause frequently for child to ask question
                                                      2. discuss ways to figure out unknown words
                                                        1. decoding
                                                          1. visual clues (illustrations)
                                                            1. sounding words out
                                                              1. look for sounds and letters you recognize
                                                                1. practice
                                                                2. patience
                                                                  1. don't get frustrated, makes the child frustrated
                                                                    1. understand the child's feelings
                                                                      1. go slowly and give opportunities for child to ask questions or share thoughts
                                                                        1. check for understanding
                                                                          1. be flexible
                                                                            1. be positive; don't give helpful feedback not negative
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