These 2-year programs may provide the necessary training to prepare students for entry-level
positions in fields like nursing, graphic design and other vocational areas.
Bachelor's Degrees
an undergraduate program that usually takes four years to complete.
The most common degrees available at the associate level include the following: Associate of Arts
(A.A.) Associate of Science (A.S.) Associate of Applied Science (AAS)
Master's Degrees
graduate programs that let students specialize in an area of study. They typically take 1-2 years to
Different degree programs available at the master's degree level include the following: Master of Arts
(M.A.) Master of Science (M.S.) Master of Business Administration (MBA) Master of Fine Arts (MFA)
Doctoral Degrees
Completing a Ph.D. program usually takes several years, and often involves the completion of a
dissertation and a major research project.
Common types of doctoral degrees include those listed below: Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) Juris
Doctor (J.D.) Doctor of Medicine (M.D.) Doctor of Dental Surgery (DDS)