Data representation


An overview of GCSE computing topic 2.6 (Data Representation) Please rate and comment so I know haw to improve these resources for future use by other people, thanks :-)
Brodie McMeowface
Mind Map by Brodie McMeowface, updated more than 1 year ago
Brodie McMeowface
Created by Brodie McMeowface about 8 years ago

Resource summary

Data representation
  1. Terms to remember:


    1. Bit
      1. Nibble
        1. Byte
          1. Kilobyte
            1. Megabyte
              1. Gigabyte
                1. Terabyte
                  1. Petabyte
                  2. Binary
                    1. Why data needs to be converted to binary to be processed by a computer
                      1. Covert denary to binary
                        1. Adding binary
                          1. Explain binary shifts
                            1. Left
                              1. Right
                            2. Hexadecimal
                              1. from binary to hex
                                1. From denary to hex
                                  1. And back
                                  2. Character sets
                                    1. Define
                                      1. How binary is used to represent characters
                                        1. How more bits = more characters
                                          1. ASCII
                                            1. Extended ASCII
                                              1. Unicode
                                              2. Images
                                                1. Represented in pixels
                                                  1. Color depth
                                                    1. Bitmap
                                                      1. Resolution
                                                        1. Metadata
                                                        2. Sound
                                                          1. Sampling
                                                            1. Sample rate
                                                              1. Amplitude
                                                                1. Bit depth
                                                                2. Analogue
                                                                3. File size
                                                                  1. Compression
                                                                    1. Lossy
                                                                      1. Lossless
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