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Quantification and costing of construction works
Engineering rics Mind Map on Quantification and costing of construction works, created by Nirosha Imaduwavithana on 11/10/2016.
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t022 & t074
engineering rics
Mind Map by
Nirosha Imaduwavithana
, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by
almost 12 years ago
Copied by
Nirosha Imaduwavithana
over 8 years ago
Resource summary
Quantification and costing of construction works
Preparing Pricing documents
tender documents generally
Sch of Works
Sch of rates
Provisional sums
Methods of measurement
4 types of rules
Sets out measured works
Definition rules
sets out meanings used in CESMM 3
Coverage rules
explains items included but not stated indescription
Additional description rules
additional descriptions
list of principle quants.
DW sch.
work items
RICS code of Measuring Practice 6th ed.
gross external area
the area of the building measured externally at each floor level
gross internal Area
area of building measured to internal face of perimeter walls
Ex. open sided balconies, fire esp., canopies, ext walls, fuel stores
Net Internal Area
usable area within a building measured to the internal face of perimeter wall at each floor
ex. internal structural walls & columns, spaces with headroom less 1.5m, corridors & circulation , perm lift lobbies, WC, cln cub, plant rm
definitions to permit accurate & consistent measurement
difference between SMM and CESMM
SMM7 doc for measurement
more details as for BQs
e.g. excavation is separate items in SMM but classed as one in CESMM
suitable for building projects
based on Ice Conditions of Contract
Analysis of Price
Tender Sums
Guranteed/Agreed Maximum Price
Target Cost - Pain-gain mech
Valuation of Works
Interim Valuations
Valuing Change
add/omit are valued by quantifying the change of scope + using rates/prices 4 identical /similar works as basis of valuation
effects of prelims/risk allowances/design frees/OH&P should be considered
works not similar = rates from other works in the contract used & used as a basis 2 form a new rate/price with adj 4 diff.
star rate
when not possible 2 produce a * state - a fair rate/price is calc by 2 reflect changed factors
last resort = works valued on time taken and resources used 2 complete - dayworks
change = alteration/mod of design quant. or qual.
priced docs used 4 pricing vals (CSA/wk sch)
contractor holds risk of properly quant scope.
Value change?
emp. & MC agree rate
where agreement not met = QS carry out valuation using valuation rules
Value Change?
QS re-measure works carried out by contractor and adjust BQ
Value change
same as Q?XQ
emp. & MC endeavour 2 agree valuation
fail 2 agree = EA value in accordance with V Rules
if fail 2 agree = Ca value on fair and reasonable basis based on work sch. + inc L&E
Early warning - both parties notify other if change.
Emp request quote - deals with change + adj of prelims & design + EOT & L&E
value of change agreed b4 instruction
NEC A (act sch)
VARIATION: Alterations/ modifications 2 design/qual/quant of the contract works 2 site access or working cond.
different variations that could arise
change 2 spec.
discrepancy between contract doc
discrepancy with stat requirements
errors & omissions
deficiency in emp requirements
Instructions must be in writing - QS cannot make add 2 the contract sum for AIs that r not written
Oral instrutions
MC has 7 days 2 write 2 CA asking 4 the AI 2 b confirmed
if the CA does not respond in a further 7 days it is taken as being an AI
MC objecting 2 variations
they can make reasonable obj in writing 4 variations relating 2 those described in 5.1.2 (work cond)
CA can issue a compliance notice if the MC does comply with instruction
if there is no action by the MC within 7 days, others can b emp. 2 carry out that wrk
What is it?
reimbuses the MC for direct L&E incurred in carrying out add wrk or from an emp breach
Clauses in JCT SBC
4.23 to 4.26
Procedure of claiming L&E
1. as soon as reg wrk affected, MC notifes CA in writing ,
2. MC 2 submit further info 2 CA if req.
3. submit further info 2 CA/QS 2 help them ascertain the amount of L&E
Relevant Matters
events than entitle MC 2 L&E, along with deferment of possession of site
Relevant matters
5 in total
1. Variations
2. Instructions
3. Approx Qnts not properly described/forcast
4. suspension by emp
5. any impediment, prevention or default by MC
L&E should be an assessment if ACTUAL loss
what is not permissible - accelerations and claim preparation
Common heads of claims
prolongation (xtr site OH e.g. prelims)
Prelims thickeningm(extra supervision during period of delay)
Disruption (underemployment of plant / laabour)
Inc in labour/ mat cost during the period of delay
head office OH
Loss of profit (commonly combined with Head office OH
Finance chanrges
Acceleration costs
not permissible in JCT contract
claim prep costs
not permissible in JCT contracts
Head office OHP/ 100 X Contract sum/ contract period X period of delay
Global Claim
Global claim is where there is no attempt 2 separate out all the diff causes & their effects.
it lists a whole load of causes 4 delay/ L&E & gives the overall effect
due 2 difficulties proving/disproving them, MC is likely 2 end up with something e.g. EOT or L&E
Can MC claim if variations omits part of the works?
the claim would be for loss of profit
MC have 2 prove that no valid reason 4 emp to omit wrks - esp if the wrks then performed by another contractor
MC right 2 b able 2 complete the wrk he was contracted 2 carry out, & realise the profit & therefore for omissions, careful wording the variation
there cannot b fundamental changes 2 the charac 4 the wrk or else the contract may b seen 2 b breached
Final Account
Reporting on cost
intems included
Ex summary
instructed variations
anticipated variations
total certified payments
report against budgeted values & act as a working cost check on the project budget
give client understanding of savings/add monies required
report on contract progress against pre-contract predictions
Tender report
list of tenders recieved
initial tender rtn costs
any quals identified
post-tender adjustments
revised tender sums
issues to be resolved
comparison of tender return
comparison with PTE
Correcting errors in tender
JCT Practice note 6
2 alternative
Alternative 1
cont. given details of errors
opportunity to confirm or withrdraw
confirm tender sum in report
approach the next lowest tenderer
Alternative 2
confirm or amend
genuine errors
Amend and now not lowest
engage with lowest
Post contract financial reporting
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