Distributed systems definition


Definitions of DS
Mónica Zurita
Mind Map by Mónica Zurita, updated more than 1 year ago
Mónica Zurita
Created by Mónica Zurita over 8 years ago

Resource summary

Distributed systems definition
  1. Definiton
    1. collection of independent computers
      1. appear users as a single coherent systems
      2. one in which components
        1. are located in a networked computers
          1. communicate, coordinate actions
            1. passing messages
      3. Characteristics
        1. concurrency
          1. no global clock
            1. independent failures
            2. why are chosen?
              1. scale
                1. processing
                  1. data
                    1. big data
                      1. continues to grow
                        1. applications
                          1. data intensive
                    2. diversity in application domains
                      1. collaboration
                        1. vs individual computers with limited resources
                          1. memory and cache
                            1. hard disk drive
                              1. capacity
                                1. channels
                                  1. limited bandwidth
                                  2. processor capacity grows faster than memory capacity (55% vs 7%)
                                    1. processors
                                      1. CMP (chip multiprocessors)
                                        1. Moore's pace
                                          1. even if many cores are placed in a CMP, the challenge is to deliver input data to these cores for processing
                                    2. cost
                                    3. requeriments
                                      1. programming models and concurrency
                                        1. problems as parallel process
                                          1. execute each process in different machines
                                        2. communication
                                          1. process in differents machines
                                            1. exchange information
                                            2. sincronization
                                              1. process
                                                1. cooperate
                                                  1. synchronize
                                                2. consistency and replication
                                                  1. enhance reability
                                                    1. improve performance
                                                    2. fault tolerance
                                                      1. recover for partial failures
                                                      2. security
                                                        1. process gets access rights to whom is entitled to
                                                        2. virtualization
                                                          1. extend interfaces to another system
                                                            1. reduce diversity or platforms
                                                              1. high degree of
                                                                1. portability
                                                                  1. flexibility
                                                            2. challenges
                                                              1. heterogeneity, openness, security, scalability, failure handling. concurrency of components, transparency, providing QoS
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