Tools & Equipment


Tools and equipment mind map
Karina Nikker
Mind Map by Karina Nikker, updated more than 1 year ago
Karina Nikker
Created by Karina Nikker over 8 years ago

Resource summary

Tools & Equipment
  1. Measuring tools
    1. Tape measure
      1. Spirit level
        1. Caliper
        2. Fasterners
          1. (Battery-operated) impact drill
            1. (Pick) hammer
              1. (Adjustable) spanner
                1. Nailgun
                  1. Screwdriver
                    1. Clamp
                      1. Dowel
                        1. Nut
                          1. Allen wrench
                            1. Combination wrench
                              1. Pneumatic torque wrench
                                1. Wheerlbrace
                                2. Tools for raising a vehicle
                                  1. Jack
                                    1. Fork lift
                                      1. Automotive lift
                                        1. Sicher lift
                                        2. Car bodywork tools
                                          1. Pliers
                                            1. Cutters
                                              1. Ax
                                                1. Wire cutters
                                                  1. Jigsaw
                                                    1. Handsaw
                                                      1. Circular saw
                                                        1. Multi-purpose knife
                                                          1. Chainsaw
                                                            1. Pipecutter
                                                              1. Hacksaw
                                                                1. Angle grinder
                                                                2. Tongs
                                                                  1. (Cold) chisel
                                                                    1. Paintbrush
                                                                      1. Lathe
                                                                        1. Sandpaper
                                                                          1. Sander
                                                                            1. Paintgun
                                                                              1. Frame rack
                                                                              2. Air compressor
                                                                                1. Dolley
                                                                                  1. Car alignment tools
                                                                                    1. Wheel aligner
                                                                                    Show full summary Hide full summary


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