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February 1917 Revolution
A-Levels History - Russia Mind Map on February 1917 Revolution, created by Gemma Bradford on 30/04/2013.
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history - russia
history - russia
Mind Map by
Gemma Bradford
, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by
Gemma Bradford
almost 12 years ago
Resource summary
February 1917 Revolution
Russo-Japanese war
living costs rose to 300%
workers strikes
23rd - Women's day turned to large protest by textile workers
little change from 1905
19th - bread rationing caused riots in Petrograd
industralisation created new class
Petrograd soviet
appealed to people
controlled military
provisional government
unappealing to people
wanted to stay in war
made of duma members
dual authority over Russia
25th - Cossack troops refused to fire on demonstrators, guards refused
28th - Tsar asked Duma for shared power, they refused
government dissolved Duma, who formed provisional government
March 1st - workers soviet joined to form Petrograd soviet
Tsar boarded train to get back Petrograd
stopped by PG
asked to abdicate by PG
Tsar passed throne to brother who refused
ending Romanov dynasty rule
Tsar Responsible
weak, ill-prepared
refused to cooperate with Dumas
poor leadership
exposed weaknesses in leaving Tsarina in control of Russia during WW1
bloody sunday lost popularity
industralisation created new class tensions and wealthier middle class
repressive regime
WW1 impact
Provisional Government
Summer Offensive
PG planned to end war, but soldiers refused
PG blamed for continuation of war and starvation
July Days
soviet power spread, peasants ceased land
Lenin called the Bolsheviks to take power
PG put down oppposition
Lenin and Trotsky fled
3rd April: arrives in Petrograd
4th April: april theses speech
promised peace, bread and land
said PG was far from political freedom
gained Bolshevik support
Kornilov Affair
came into petrograd to support PG
PG thought he was trying to takeover so arrested him
reduced PG support
little control over countryside
Kadets & Oktoberists
faced inflation and loans
increased grain price by 100% to encourage peasants to sell their grain
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