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Haemostasis (part 1: primary haemostasis)
Blood Science Mind Map on Haemostasis (part 1: primary haemostasis), created by maisie_oj on 30/04/2013.
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Resource summary
Haemostasis (part 1: primary haemostasis)
The pysiological response to blood vessel damage that acts to minimise blood loss
Balance between protecting from haemorrhage and thrombosis
Primary haemostasis = platelet plug formation
Secondary haemostasis = fibrin clot formation
General mechanism
Blood vessel injury
Platelet aggregation
Platelet activation
(Neural) vessel constriction
Reduced blood flow
Stable haemostatic plug
(Tissue factor) coagulation cascade
Fibrin formation
Primary haemostasis players
Normally the endothelium prevents thrombus formation by actively exhibiting antiplatlet, anticoagulant and profibrinolytic properties
Antiplatelet properties
The endothelium serves as a barrier between the highly pro-thrombotic ECM and the platelets in circulation
Secrete NO (nitric oxide) and prostaglandin I-2 (PGI2) which promotes vasodilation and inhibits the activation of platelets
Also expresses adenylate diphosphatase (ADPase) which degrades circulating ADP (an activator of platelets)
The endothelial cells feature membrane-bound thrombomodulin
Thrombomodulin binds to thrombin (converting it from a pro-thrombotic to anti-thrombotic protein)
This activates protein C (an inhibitor of the coagulation cascade)
Protein C (with protein S) inhibits coagulation factors Va and VIIIa
Endothelial membrane-bound heparin-like molecules act as cofactors
Bind as cofactors to antithrombin(III)
Activated antithrombin(III)
Inactivates thrombin
Inactivates factors IXa and Xa
Endothelial cells produce t-PA (tissue plasminogen activator)
t-PA cleaves plasminogen into plasmin (which degrades fibrin - degrades thrombi)
Prothrombotic qualities (following injury)
Loss of endothelium reveals ECM collagen-bound vWF -> platelets biond vWF (via the platelet glycoprotein GPIb)
In response to inflammatory cytokines (TNF, IL-1) endothelial cells prodcue tissue factor
Tissue factor activates the extrinsic coagulation cascade
Under the right circumstances (injury etc.) endothelial cells produce inhibitors of plasminogen activator (PAI's)
Prevents plasmin-mediated fibrinolysis
Disc-shaped, anucleate cell fragments (from megakaryocytes - about 2-3,000 per megakaryocyte)
Function depends on their activation; shape change and degranulation
Feature granules (alpha and delta granules)
Alpha-granules feature P-selectins in the membrane (become externalised - adhesion); TGF-beta; PDGF; fibronectin and coagulation factors
Clotting factors in alpha-granules = fibrinogen (I); V and VIII
Delta-granules contain ADP, ATP, ionised Ca(2+), histamine, seratonin and adrenaline
Normally platelets are inactivated
Following vessel endothelial damage
ECM (with vWF is exposed)
Platelets bind to this via their surface GPIb glycoprotein
Also able to bind other ECM components (e.g. fibronectin)
Secretion of both alpha and delta-granules
Alpha-granule products promote coagulation and adhesion of platelets
Delta-granule products activate the coagulation cascade (Ca(+) and ADP also promotes platelet aggregation)
Platelet aggregation at the injury site (aided by ADP and thromboxane A2 (TxA2) release
This aggregation leads to the formation of the primary haemostatic plug
Held together by the interaction between platelets (GPIIb-IIIa - fibrinogen - GPIIb-IIIa) and platelets with the ECM (via ECM vWF - GPIb)
This is followed by the activation of the coagulation cacade which ultimately produces fibrin (forms a meshwork around the platelet aggregation)
Platelets release coagulation factors (fibrinogen (I), V and VIII)
Platelets release pro-coagulative factors (Ca(+))
Activated platelets contract their cytoskeletons to form a tight-knit mass of cells
ADP activates other platelets
Causes conformational change in a large platelet surface glycoprtein (GPIIb-IIIa)
GPIIb-IIIa binds fibrinogen (from alpha-granules) and links activated platelets together
Loss = Glanzmann's thrombasthenia (another bleeding disorder)
TxA2 is a potent vasoconstrictor
Loss of this factor results in von willebrand disease (bleeding disorder)
Loss of the GPIb receptor = Bernard-soulier syndrome (bleeding disorder)
Testing platelets
Full blood count (with mean platelet volume (MPV), blood film)
PFA-100 (platelet function analyser)
Full blood sample is drawn up through a capillary tube towards a membrane with a hole in the end
The membrane is coated in collagen with either; ADP or adrenaline
If normal platelets -> should be activated by the membrane and form a clot
Blood should be inhibited from passing through the hole at the end
Measures high shear haemostasis
Platelet aggregation assay
In vitro assays
Measure platelets clumps in platelet-rich plasma (PRP) or whole blood when exposed to aggregation agonists
Collagen, ADP and thrombin all bind to their own specific receptor resulting in activation
All receptors are implicated in different diseases (e.g. GPIb, GPIIb-IIIa)
Activation = shape change, granule release and aggregation
Activation-induced change depends on the normal platelet function
Useful data; lag phase, aggregation rate and amplitude
Platelet secretion assay
Platelet ADP/ATP release (from delta-granules) can be measured
Valuable diagnostic tool
Methods: HPLC (high performance liquid chromatography) luminescence; Firefly lantern preps (luminescence due to the ATP concentration)
Flow cytometry
Uses whole blood (2ul minimum) - therefore its a physiological activity assay
Whole blood sample prevents artificially induced platelet aggregation
All blood cell properties can be analysed simultaneously
(Not just platelets)
New Ab's or dyes can be easily introduced into samples
High degree of sensitivity
Future - aggregation by flow?
I have no idea what this means either...
Examples of platelet disorders
Spontaneous skin pupura (/ecchymoses)
Mucous membrane bleeding (/epistaxis)
Protracted bleeding after trauma/surgery
Menorrhagia / postpartum haemorrhage
Haemorrhages in the following places
Intracranial, gastrointestinal, retinal and genitourinary
Causes (aetiology)
Glanzmann's thrombasthenia
Loss of platelet GPIIb-IIIa (binds platelets together via fibrinogen bridge)
>40 mutations ID'd (most type I involve the GPIIb gene; others = GPIIIa gene)
Bleeding disorder with a normal platelet count
Test results
Platelet count
Platelet size / morphology and lifespan
Very long bleeding time and PFA result
Autosomal recessive
Often severe bleeding, but variable phenotype
Subtypes (1 = complete IIb-IIIa loss; 2 = partial loss of IIb-IIIa)
Treatment options in platelet disorders
Specialist care
Avois aspirin, NSAIDs
Hormonal control on menses
Supportive care - tranexamic acid
Platelet transfusion
Recombinant rVIIIa (clotting factor)
Thrombocytosis (= high concentration of platelets in the blood)
Inflammatory response
Fe-deficiency / bleeding
Bone marrow disorder (e.g. cancer)
Antiplatelet / anticoagulant agents
Heparin (binds antithrombin(III) and inactivates thrombin)
Aspirin, NSAIDs (inhibit COX2)
Clopidogrel (ADP receptor inhibitor)
Von willebrand factor (vWF)
Large multimeric glycoprotein (exists as a series of multimers)
Extensively processed (multimer assembly)
Constituitively expressed
Carrier protein for factor VIII (protects VIII against premature proteolytic degradation)
Adhesive protein in primary haemostasis (platelet adhesion)
Binds a number of ligands
Collagen; platelet GPIb and GPIIb-IIIa; sulfatides; heparin
Clinical features
Highly heterogenous phenotypic expression
Mild-moderate bleeding tenedency
Bruising, epistaxis, gingival haemorrhage, post-surgical/dental bleeding
Mucosal bleeding
Laboratory diagnosis
Screening test
Increased bleeding time, increased partial thromboplastin time (doesnt invovle tissue factor)
Specific assay
Decreased: factor VIII, vWF (via Ab) and vWF activity
Type 1 vWD (von willebrand disease)
Inherited bleeding disorder
Diagnosis based on three criterias - symptoms, lab tests and inheritence pattern
If all three criteria not met = possible type 1 VWD
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