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Emily Dickinson
Early American Literature 1820-1865 Mind Map on Emily Dickinson, created by meg.weal on 29/04/2013.
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early american literature 1820-1865
early american literature 1820-1865
Mind Map by
, updated more than 1 year ago
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almost 12 years ago
Resource summary
Emily Dickinson
Minority Culture in Literature
Animalistic Imagery
links to Douglass & Poe
The Black Cat
Cat seen as symbolic of black slave minority
"entirely black and sagacious to an astonishing degree"
"My pets were made to feel the change in my disposition. I not only neglected, but ill-used them"
Narrative of the Life
"Men and women...were ranked with horses, sheep and swine. There were horses and men, cattle and women, pigs and children"
Poem 260
"How dreary - to be - Somebody!/How public - like a Frog"
"Somebody" could refer to a public figure/being somebody's wife - a woman only becomes somebody when she marries
animal imagery is here representative of the majority
Frog is small and can be repressed but if loud and abrupt when free
Poem 656
image of the mouse
"Presuming me to be a mouse"
negative connotations of female as weak and quiet
Dickinson contradicts image in letter to editor: "I have a little shape – it would not crowd your Desk – nor make much Racket as a Mouse”
uses the image of females as modest and quiet to get her own way
Image of Birds
Bird song echoes poetic form
Poem 861
"Split the Lark - And you'll find the Music"
Now, do you doubt that your bird was true?"
rhetorical question
Both nature and poetry extracts the truths from people and concludes in soothing sounds.
Bird as personification of hope
Poem 254 - "Hope is the thing with feathers"
"Yet never, in Extremity,/ It asked a crumb - of Me"
Nature is an ever-giving symbol of hope
Nature relating to God OR Science - God/Science is ever-giving hope
Volcanic Imagery
Recluse Status & Image
Contradictory of her as a "powerful feminist"
Poem 479
Marriage as death/complete loss of power
Image of woman being subjected to death after school life
only clear image in poem
house/domestic is the image of a grave
"a House that seemed/A Swelling of the Ground - /The Roof was scarcely visible - /The Cornice - in the Ground
entrapment of females in the house/domestic sphere means that their opportunities have died
death is a masculine character
"Because I could not stop for Death - /He kindly stopped for me"
mutual agreement between women & society
melancholy tone
"We passed the Setting Sun"
Dickinson described as a literary terrorist in C19th America
Poem 857
Power is completely held by men - Patriarchal Society
"She rose to His Requirement - dropt/The Palythings of Her Life/To take the honorable Work/Of Woman, and of Wife"
capitalisation of "His" - Husband/God/Father?? - suggests a higher power
satirical/sarcastic comment & tone
image that is creates and manifested itself from Angel of the House (Coventry Patmore)
Dickinson's poetry was edited and reworked after her death - no respect or trust in a woman writer
Just through the act of writing, Dickinson was defying social normalities in mainstream America
ideas in Angel of the House by Coventry Patmore
women as purely domestic regardless of happiness
Emerson's idea of literature in "American Literature"
"all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the Pursuit
of Happiness"
evidently did not manifest itself in C19th America
Multiplicity of Voices & Moods in Poetry - Contradiction & Contrast
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