Food Supply


Geography-Food Supply Mind Map on Food Supply, created by hughwhitlock96 on 29/04/2013.
Mind Map by hughwhitlock96, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by hughwhitlock96 over 11 years ago

Resource summary

Food Supply
  1. Managing food supply
    1. high technology
      1. Green revolution
        1. refers to a series of research, development, and technology transfer initiatives, occurring between the 1940s and the late 1970s.
        2. Biotechnology
          1. Biotechnology is the use of living systems and organisms to develop or make useful products.
          2. Genetic Modification
            1. direct manipulation of an organism's genome using biotechnology
          3. intermediate technology
            1. Land colonisation and reform
            2. Commercialisation of agriculture
              1. Commercial agriculture is large-scale production of crops for sale, intended for widespread distribution to wholesalers or retail outlets.
                1. In commercial farming crops such as wheat, maize, tea, coffee, sugarcane, cashew, rubber, banana, cotton are harvested and sold into world markets.
              2. Changes in demand
                1. Local food and food miles
                  1. non seasonal food
                    1. Organic Vs Intensive
                    2. Globalisation
                      1. TNC's
                        1. How is food globalised?
                          1. Globalisation is where food from different cultures and counrties is exported around the world
                            1. for example Curry recipes and spices is often exported from India to England
                          2. Enviromental aspects
                            1. About
                              1. Sustainability
                            2. Food supply patterns
                              1. Geopolitics
                                1. Millenium Development Goals
                                  1. Food security
                                    1. Food security refers to the availability of food and one's access to it. An area is considered food-secure when its occupants do not live in hunger
                                    2. Global patterns
                                      1. Supply
                                        1. Demand
                                          1. DES
                                        2. European union and CAP
                                          1. Original aims
                                            1. about the aim
                                              1. policies
                                                1. raise production
                                                  1. Subsidies
                                                    1. import tariffs
                                                      1. intervention buying
                                                        1. gaurenteed prices
                                                          1. investment grants
                                                          2. reduce production
                                                            1. qoutas
                                                              1. set a side
                                                        2. Farming techniques
                                                          1. factors affecting
                                                            1. Human
                                                              1. Physical
                                                              2. extensive pastoralism
                                                                1. extensive arable
                                                                  1. intensive subsistence
                                                                    1. intensive commerical mixed
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