

ht Mind Map on Nature, created by Jason Wong on 17/02/2014.
Jason Wong
Mind Map by Jason Wong, updated more than 1 year ago
Jason Wong
Created by Jason Wong over 10 years ago

Resource summary

  1. Animals
    1. Form
      1. Characteristic
      2. Plants
        1. Garden
          1. Forest
            1. Patterrs of flowers / Glass
              1. Forms of flowers
                1. Weather
                  1. Colour
                    1. Green tones
                  2. Simple details
                    1. Organic form
                      1. Stone
                        1. Sea caves
                          1. Sea shell
                          2. Beach
                            1. Sand
                              1. Stones
                                1. Shell
                                  1. Form of sea shell
                                2. Oceans
                                  1. Watercolour
                                    1. Spread on the clothings
                                      1. Abyssal region
                                    2. Shallow waters along the coast
                                      1. Coral
                                        1. Sea mammals
                                          1. Characteristic
                                            1. Form
                                              1. Visual identities
                                                1. Fish
                                                  1. Abyssal fishes
                                                    1. Shallow fishes
                                                  2. Aquatic tones
                                                    1. Usually blue and white combination
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