Crypto U8 (part 1), Randomness


IYM002 (Unit 8 - randomness, freshness, AKE) Mind Map on Crypto U8 (part 1), Randomness, created by jjanesko on 22/04/2013.
Mind Map by jjanesko, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by jjanesko over 11 years ago

Resource summary

Crypto U8 (part 1), Randomness
  1. meaning
    1. uncertainty
      1. unpredictability
        1. have no relation to previous chosen numbers
          1. have no obvious structure
          2. randomn values in cryptography
            1. salt
              1. random data that are used as an additional input to a one-way function that hashes a password or passphrase.
                1. ex. Unix password file
              2. IVs (initialization vector)
                1. a fixed-size input to a cryptographic primitive that is typically required to be random or pseudorandom.
                  1. ex. cipher block chaining mode
                2. values used for freshness checks in cryptographic protocols
                  1. nonce = number used only once
                    1. sender sends randomly generated nonce to receiver, receiver sends nonce back with reply to show reply belongs to the original message
                  2. random numbers used to generate symmetric keys
                    1. random process are used to generate keys
                      1. non-deterministic is better than pseudorandom for master keys
                    2. somehow required in El Gamal, but don't understand why
                    3. What should seem random?
                      1. keystreams
                        1. hash codes
                          1. ciphertexts
                          2. generating random numbers
                            1. non-deterministic
                              1. advantages and disadvantages
                                1. expensive
                                  1. completely random
                                    1. cannot replicate in another location (so tough to synchronize)
                                    2. based on randomess proced by physical phenomena
                                      1. hardware
                                        1. measurement of white noise from electrical appliances
                                          1. quantum measurement of a photon reflected in a mirror
                                          2. software
                                            1. keystroke captures
                                              1. hard drive seek times
                                          3. deterministic (pseudorandom)
                                            1. how does it work?
                                              1. takes a seed value and outputs a string of bits with no apparent structure
                                                1. 2 parts
                                                  1. seed
                                                    1. should be different every time & not guessable
                                                      1. usually short
                                                        1. usually a "standard" length (like 128 bits)
                                                        2. generator
                                                          1. use standard, well known ones (nothing home made)
                                                      2. advantages and disadvantages
                                                        1. cheap to implement
                                                          1. two identical outputs can be generated in 2 different locations (synchronizable)
                                                            1. have to find way to distribute seed
                                                        Show full summary Hide full summary


                                                        Crypto U8 (part 3), entity authentication
                                                        Crypto U8, example dynamic password scheme
                                                        Crypto U8 (part 2), Freshness
                                                        Crypto U4, Block Cipher, Cipher Feedback Mode (CFB)
                                                        Crypto U4, Block Cipher, Cipher Block Chaining Mode (CBC)
                                                        Crypto U3, Theoretical vs. Practical Security
                                                        Crypto U1, Basic Principles
                                                        Crypto U4, Stream Cipher
                                                        Crypto U4, Block Cipher, Counter Mode
                                                        Crypto U4, Block Cipher, Electronic Codebook Mode (ECB)
                                                        Crypto U2, Crypto design principles