Bold Week 3


Messages (Bold) Mind Map on Bold Week 3, created by Ross Johnson on 06/02/2014.
Ross Johnson
Mind Map by Ross Johnson, updated more than 1 year ago
Ross Johnson
Created by Ross Johnson almost 11 years ago

Resource summary

Bold Week 3
  1. intro
    1. speaking boldly
      1. Speak the truth boldly
        1. I hate spiders
          1. under dad's house story
          2. series key thought: Boldness is behavior born out of belief
          3. key thought 4 2day: We speak boldly about what we believe deeply
            1. book of acts is filled with X followers speaking boldly
              1. we do this all the time
                1. sports, social issues, etc
                2. The Power of God
                  1. healing of the lame man
                    1. this guy was lame for 40+ years!
                      1. acts 3.1-10
                        1. Acts 4.8-10
                        2. Power of the Gospel
                          1. 5,000 were saved
                            1. Acts 3.11-4.4
                              1. they admitted it wasn't anything they did!
                              2. Power of the Resurrection
                                1. Peter's own story of fear and boldness
                                  1. 3 times Peter points them to the ressurection
                                    1. Why? It changed everything!
                                      1. If it never happened, none of this happens!
                                        1. Paul in 1 Cor. 15.12-19
                                        2. Acts 4.17-20
                                          1. what gave them this boldness?
                                          2. Take Home
                                            1. What do you believe?
                                              1. what you believe deeply, you will speak boldly!
                                                1. who do you need to speak boldly to this week?
                                                  1. maybe you need to begin believing!
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