How do our products link together?


how do our products create synergy?
Leanne Davidson
Mind Map by Leanne Davidson, updated more than 1 year ago
Leanne Davidson
Created by Leanne Davidson over 8 years ago

Resource summary

How do our products link together?
  1. Music Video
    1. We have used scenes from a pillow fight scene within our music video to create synergy and to make liks to the tour poster, digipak and our advert. By doing this audience members may see one of our products and then recognise similar shots on our other products creating a feeling of pleasure when they can distinguish similar shots. This may also spark conversation between our audience members and peers resulting in advertising through word of mouth.
    2. Digipak
      1. We have consistently used colour filters within our digipak, advert and our music video to accentuate the name of our album 'Beyond Colour' by doing this brings out the colour in all of our products and creates synergy throughout.
      2. Advert
        1. We have used the same Title and font to represent our artist in our music video and our digipak since by using the same font makes it easily recognisable.
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