Causes of Rebellions


Mind Map on Causes of Rebellions, created by eleanor.gregory on 21/04/2013.
Mind Map by eleanor.gregory, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by eleanor.gregory over 11 years ago

Resource summary

Causes of Rebellions
  1. Social Causes
    1. Famine and Disease: Interestingly there were no rebellions that were directly linked to bad harvest.
      1. (Pilgrimage of Grace)
        1. Along with the religious issues concerning the rebels, Aske was also backing up the people that had had their rent raised to an impossible level.
          1. The nobility had a social issue themselves, concerning who their land was going to be passed on to.
            1. Cromwell was detirmined to get every penny he could given to the crown.
            2. Kett's Rebellion
              1. The rebels wanted a return to the 'good old days' when their were not any unemployment problems.
                1. In Norwich the main source of employment, the cloth industry, was in decline.
                2. The main issue was enclosure and Kett wanted to safeguard the future for Norfolk.
                3. Western Rebellion
                  1. Here, the rebels were more concerned with the tax on sheep and wool.
                    1. They wanted to limit the number of gentry households to worth 100 marks. They wanted to narrow the gap between rich and poor.
                  2. Political Causes
                    1. Probably the most important cause as there were many different issues surrounding it.
                      1. Henry VII
                        1. As Henry had come from the Lancaster's he had been left with many enemies.
                          1. Lovell though that he had a better claim to the throne than Henry.
                            1. Lambert Simnel pretended to be a claiment so that he might have the chance to kill the King.
                              1. Perkin Warbeck pretended to be the youngest of the princes in the tower so that he could overthrow the King
                              2. Henry VIII: Faced no purely dynastic rebellions.
                                1. He was a more powerful King?
                                  1. Had a better claim?
                                    1. People were more concerned with his religious policies?
                                    2. Edward and Mary
                                      1. The Marian Rising was caused by the fact that Edward prevented his sisters coming to the throne.
                                        1. Wyatt's Rebellion was concerning the fact that Mary was married to Philip - this could be linked to Religious causes.
                                        2. Elizabeth
                                          1. The refusal to accept Mary Queen of Scots as a an heir led to the Northern Earls Rebellion.
                                            1. Essex wanted to have more power.
                                            2. Irish Suzeranity
                                              1. Kildare: There is some evidence to suggest that rebellion was religious, but they mainly wanted to expel the English forces.
                                                1. Shane O'Neill: He wanted to be the ruler of Ulster and murdered he brother to get it. He claimed to be true defender of the faith.
                                                  1. Fitzgerald I: He resented the notion to colonise Ireland, the English presence and their brutal treatment of the Irish.
                                                    1. Fitzgerald II: He wanted to rally the Irish Catholic against England.
                                                      1. Tyrone: To expel the new English settlers and achieve independence.
                                                    2. Religious Causes
                                                      1. Religious rebellions would either be people defending a faith or rebelling against it.
                                                        1. Pilgrimage of Grace
                                                          1. There were to main reasons that the rebels were angry in Lincolnshire - dissolution and investigation in the parish churches.
                                                            1. In Yorkshire over 100 monasteries were scheduled to be closed which motivated many people to rise up.
                                                              1. In Lancashire four monasteries had already been closed and the monks encouraged people to rise up against this.
                                                                1. People were also angry at the government's recent assault on holy days and saints. English people were detirmined preserve their saints.
                                                                  1. The First Fruits and Tenths tax was also highly unpopular as people felt that it should go to the Church and not the government.
                                                                    1. There were a number of reasons why people rebelled: (<--)
                                                                      1. In general all the reasons why people rebelled in the Pilgrimage of Grace was against the Henrician Reformation.
                                                                      2. Western Rebellion
                                                                        1. They were rejecting everything that was new: an English Prayer Book, 'Christmas game' and English Bible.
                                                                          1. Aims: return of papal images, chantries and the Six Articles. However there was no request to restore the papacy - just the right of church councils.
                                                                          2. Kett's Rebellion
                                                                            1. This was a rebellion against the slow progress of Protestantism.
                                                                              1. The rebels said that they wanted to have a better-educated Church as the people that they had at the moment weren't providing them with good services.
                                                                                1. They wanted to improve commitment to religion.
                                                                                2. (Wyatt's Rebellion)
                                                                                  1. There were no religious rebellions during Mary's reign even though she planned on changing the religion of the county.
                                                                                    1. Wyatt was mainly concerned with the attachment of Catholicism that Mary's marriage to Philip brought.
                                                                                    2. Rising of the Northern Earls
                                                                                      1. The main aim of the Northern Earls was defending the Catholic faith, which they believed was against God's word.
                                                                                        1. The fine that Elizabeth brought in for not attending Church was 5p a week. Many people paid it, or were protected by JPs, who were Catholic.
                                                                                          1. Nothing was brought in to stop them from perusing a Catholic faith.
                                                                                          2. They gathered troops of people who wanted to see the protestant reforms put to an end.
                                                                                        2. Economic Causes
                                                                                          1. Taxation
                                                                                            1. Yorkshire Rebellion
                                                                                              1. Henry had to meet the goal of 100,000 pounds to go to war with France, and the people in Yorkshire thought that this was not needed.
                                                                                                1. Traditionally the southern counties would take care of France war taxation and the northern countries dealt with Scotland.
                                                                                                  1. Henry Percy was to collect the tax and he was hugely unpopular which didn't help.
                                                                                                  2. The Cornish Rebellion
                                                                                                    1. 60,000 was needed for a war against the Scots and when this reached the Cornish, they were angry.
                                                                                                      1. They may have remembered the Cornish not having to pay their tax and thought that they could do the same thing.
                                                                                                        1. They wanted the northern counties to pay the tax, and not them. In the end the war didn't happen and neither did the tax.
                                                                                                        2. Amicable Grant
                                                                                                          1. It was a non-parliamentary tax.
                                                                                                            1. Wolsey had not repaid loans that were taken in 1522
                                                                                                              1. The Grant made excessive demands.
                                                                                                                1. There was a shortage of coinage and unemployment was rising at the time.
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