CPE - Food Animals - Station 1-2


Clinical Evaluation
Jayden Kim
Mind Map by Jayden Kim, updated more than 1 year ago More Less
Created by ARegalado almost 9 years ago
Copied by ARegalado almost 9 years ago
Copied by ARegalado almost 9 years ago
Copied by ARegalado almost 9 years ago
Jayden Kim
Copied by Jayden Kim almost 9 years ago

Resource summary

CPE - Food Animals - Station 1-2
  1. Therapeutic and Management Plan
    1. Develop
      1. Correct therapeutic/management plan
        1. Individual animal
          1. herd
          2. Appropriate Px
          3. Competently discuss issues
            1. prevention and control
              1. regulatory
                1. notifying state/federal health officials of reportable disease
                2. public health issues
                  1. zoonotic potential
                  2. food safety/slaughter for food issues
                    1. withdrawal times
                3. Hx
                  1. Signalment, including breed
                    1. Presenting complaint or reason for evaluation
                      1. Duration of presenting complaint or management issues
                        1. Past problems
                          1. previous Tx
                            1. response to those Tx
                            2. Extent of involvement of other animals on premises
                              1. Housing
                                1. Medication Hx
                                  1. Vaccination Hx
                                    1. Dietary/nutrition Hx
                                      1. Intended use of animal
                                      2. PE
                                        1. Distance
                                          1. Body condition
                                            1. Scale of 1–5, with 1 being very thin
                                          2. Hands-on
                                            1. Comunicate findings
                                              1. Normal
                                                1. Abnormal
                                              2. Rectal examination
                                                1. ONLY interpret results
                                              3. Developing a Diagnostic Plan
                                                1. Dx Management plan
                                                  1. Order appropriate diagnostic tests and/or necropsy
                                                2. Communication
                                                  1. Communicate clearly and effectively using language that might be readily understood by a client
                                                    1. Answer all questions correctly and appropriately
                                                    2. Integration of Clinical Information
                                                      1. Correctly identify and communicate all problems, based on Hx and PE
                                                        1. Develop and communicate rational Ddx list based on Hx and PE
                                                        2. Integration of Diagnostic Information
                                                          1. Interpret laboratory and/or necropsy results
                                                            1. Use test results to appropriately R/I and R/O Ddx
                                                              1. Arrive at the#1 likely Dx
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