Quantum Mechanics


Christopher Boga
Mind Map by Christopher Boga, updated more than 1 year ago
Christopher Boga
Created by Christopher Boga almost 9 years ago

Resource summary

Quantum Mechanics
  1. Quantum Numbers
    1. First
      1. Principle
        1. n
          1. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
            1. shell (energy level)
          2. Second
            1. Azimuthal (Orbit)
              1. l
                1. 0,1,..., n-1
                  1. subshell (shapes: s, p, d, or f)
                2. Third
                  1. Magnetic
                    1. m(l)
                      1. Orbital (3D orientation: px, py, pz)
                        1. -l to l
                      2. Fourth
                        1. Spin
                          1. m(s)
                            1. 1/2 or -1/2
                              1. spin (up,down)
                          2. Pauli Exclusion Principle
                            1. no 2 electrons in the same atom can have the same 4 quantum numbers.
                            2. Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle
                              1. (delta)x*(delta)p _> h/2
                                1. Inherent uncertainty in the product of the position of a particle and its momentum.
                                  1. Uncertainty arises from the dual nature of matter.
                                2. Paramagnetic and Diamagnetic Elements
                                  1. Paramagnetic
                                    1. Elements with unpaired electrons (e.g. Lithium). Meaning a subshell is not completely filled
                                      1. Spin of each unpaired electron is parallel to the others
                                        1. The electrons will align with an external magnetic field
                                    2. Diamagnetic
                                      1. Elements with no unpaired electrons (e.g. Helium).
                                        1. Unresponsive to an external magnetic field
                                    3. KE = hf - (phi) excess = energy in - energy out
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