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Hitler's Rise to Power ( in date order )
GCSE History (Nazi Germany) Mind Map on Hitler's Rise to Power ( in date order ), created by Tamara Lancaster on 29/03/2016.
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hitlers rise to power
german history
1939 - 1945
nazi germany
rise of the nazis
as history
nazi germany
Mind Map by
Tamara Lancaster
, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by
Tamara Lancaster
almost 9 years ago
Resource summary
Hitler's Rise to Power ( in date order )
When was The Germans Workers Party formed and who by?
Anton Drexler
January 1919
Hitler joined in September 1919
He was the 55th member
He showed talent in public speaking (propaganda) and was made a leader
He was in charge of propaganda and he helped to write the ' 25 point plan '
In 1920 , Hitler changed the name of the German Workers Party to the National Socialist German Party
They began to gain popularity
Hitler bought a Munich newspaper called Volkischer Beobacter
In 1921 Hitler became leader
Hitler had 3 beliefs which were ;
Fuhrer Principle (country rule by one powerful person)
Race ( idea that some are better than others the German race , arayan , must be kept pure to become the ' master race '
Communism must be destroyed
His beliefs towards the Jewish were ;
That they were the biggest threat to the Aryan race
He thought they were involved in a conspiracy to take over the world
He thought they helped toward Germany being defeated in WW1
He wanted them destroyed
What was the SA?
in 1991 Hitler set up a group called the SA
They were also known as the Brownshirts
They were the Nazi Partys private army
Most of the members were former Freikorps who HATED communism
In November 1923 Hitler decided to overthrow the government
Hitler was angry at Stresseman because he decided to end the passive resistance in the Ruhr and pay the reperations to France
He felt it was weak to give in to France again
On the 8th November Hitler armed the SA and entered the Bavarian Government ( Munich ) meeting
This attack was known as the Munich Putsch
On the 9th November the Munich police stopped the revolt
Ludendorff was a WW1 leader who supported Hitler . He agreed with Hitlers beliefs and liked Hitlers ideas
What were the immediate repercussions of the Munich ?
They failed because 16 of the 21 Nazis who carried out the attack died
What happened to Hitler after the revolt ?
He was arrested and sentenced to 5 years in jail
He only served 6months of his sentence and whilst inside he wrote 'Mein Kampf' ( meaning my life struggles
Hitler decided to change the tactics after the Munich Putsch and came to power by elections and not by force.
This was because using force would've failed so he decided to use legal methods
for example , to come into power he actualy waited to be elected
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