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Crimimal Law Mind Map on Theft, created by usmanzafar on 16/04/2013.
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crimimal law
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almost 12 years ago
Resource summary
Theft act 1968
Theft Act 1978
Theft (amendment) act (1978)
Fraud Act 2006
A person is guilty of theft if he dishonestly appropriates property belonging to another with the intention of permenantly deprivinng him of it (s.1 1
Appropriation (3(1)
Vital component of Actus reus----definition: take, acquire, obtain, grab, seize, steal, get, rob, pinch etc
any assumption by a person of of the rights of an owner amounts to an appropriation, and this include where he has come by the property (innocently
rights of the owner
Selling it
destroying it
Using it
hiring it
possesing it
consuming it
lending it
or not) without stealing it, any later assumption of a right to it by keeping or dealing with it as a owner
offering items for sale that belong to another person is appropriation (Pitham v Hehl)
grabbing a handbag is appropriation even if it falls to the floor (Corcoran v Anderson)
assumption of any single right will suffice (R v Morris)
theft can still take place even it the owner consents i.e. by decpetion (Gomez)
no need to show that there was consent (Lawrence)
immaterial whether the acts were done with the victims consent or authority (Hinks) low iq victim who lavished gifts
if a cheque is fake, the property is obtained by deception and thus appropriated by the buyer (Dobson v General accident and fire)
signing blank cheques does not assume the rights of the owner but presenting them to be cashed does (Ngan)
matters little where the defendant is, it matters where the act of appropriation took place (Governer of Brixton Prison ex parte Levin)
if property is purchased in good faith, the 'owner' is not guilty of theft (s.3(2))
Property s.4
'includes money and all other property real or personal, including things in action and other intangible property (s.4(1)
Land, Currency, cars, jewellery, information, bank account, rights
body parts are also property (Kelly and Lindsay)
things that cannot be stolen
s4(3) wild mushrooms, flowers, fruits or foilage
unless it is picked for reward, sale or another commercial purpose
A wild untamed creature (s.4(4))
unless it has been reduced to possession by another person
Real Property
land, property, building, site, field, house, factory
can be stolen in three ways
trustees, representatives and liquidators can steal land if acting in breach of their confidence (s.4(2)(a)
something that is severed from the land e.g. bricks, turf, doors (s.(4)(2)(b)
tenant can steal fixtures or structures from the land he is renting if he appropriates (s.4(2)(c)
things in action i.e. causing anothers bank account to be debited (kohn)
Intangible property
i.e. patent
Belonging to another s.5
Section 5(1)
possession or control of it
does not have to be lawful
defendant can steal his own property if another person had possesion or control over it (Turner)
any proprietary right or interest
property received under an obligation will still belong to the owner s.5(3)
important that the defendant was obliged to deal with the property in a particular way and then failed to do so
property received by mistake
still belong to the original owner
obligation upon person to restore property to the original owner (s.5(4)
Mens Rea of theft
dishonestly s.2(1)
not dishonest if:
appropriates property in the belief that he has in law the right to deprive the other of it
appropriates property in the belief that he would have the others consent if the other knew
the word belief features in all 3
if the defendant honestly holds one of the beliefs, then he is not dishonest (Turner)
appropriates property in the belief that the person to whom the property belongs cannot be discovered by taking reasonable steps
should be judgd by the jury according to standards of ordinary decent people (Feely)
Objective and subjective--view of the reasonable man then view of the defendant (Ghosh)
intention to permenantly deprive
his intention is to treat the thing as his own to dispose of regardless of the others rights s6(1)
dictoniary definition of dispose of used in Cahill
widened to include dealing with in DPP v Lavender
mere borrowing is never enough to constitute a guilty mind unless the intention to return the thing was in such a change d state that all of the
goodness or virtue has gone (Lloyd)
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