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Principles of IR: Theories
Politics Mind Map on Principles of IR: Theories, created by beth.kirby on 14/04/2013.
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Principles of IR: Theories
Realism and Structural Realism
Classical realism founded between WW1 & WW2 - founding fathers = Edward Carr, Hans Morgenthau
core assumptions: Humans are selfish, egoist. If left in state of nature people will act like animals
egoism is restrained within states by hierarchical political rules, but with no govt. at international level, anarchy prevails
Hence, IR is power politics: Survival, Security, Power Maximisation
Bellum omnium contra omnes
Thomas Hobbes: The Leviathan: 1. Men are equal, 2. Men interact in anarchy, 3. Men are motivated by competition, diffidence and glory
men agree to give up some of their freedom as to not live in anarchy
n.b. IR models schematize complexity and allow generalisations
When self interested states interact in anarchy, violent conflicts can be predicted
Realist's view: NATO intervened in Libya because it was in the interest of the international states, not to help civilians
Structural Realism (neo):1970-80s, Waltz, Mearsheimer.
selfish states don't trust each other, they must be self sufficient in order to protect themselves
states think in terms of relative gains, not absolute gains - zero sum game, if other states increase their power, i lose power (thus security)
so, losing a war exhausted is fine, as long as the other states are 'more' exhausted (USA & WW1)
Weaker states fear for security, stronger states compete for hegemony
logic of balancing within the system: developing one's own power & coalition building
don't take into account norms, humanitarianism, religion
don't see how values, norms, beliefs form national interest/FP
Bipolar - stable b/c power equally distributed, certainty within the system - Cold War is the Long Peace (J. Gaddis)
Multipolar - less stable b/c unequal distribution of powers, uncertainty of others, arms race (C19th)
Unipolar - unstable b/c huge inequalities in power, resentment against hegemon (anti americanism) - greater incentive to stand against hegemon
hegemon more likely to intervene worldwide
Liberalism and Institutional Liberalism
human beings are perfectible
enlightenment philosophy
transcendence - inevitability of human progress
modernity thesis - economic growth = development
liberalism favours: 1. individual rights (C.L), 2. Constitutionalism & Democracy, 3. Limitation of role of state (only to maintain order)
1. FREE TRADE: rather than autarky, it favours peace, market capitalism promotes welfare, free trade removes barriers = war less likely
2. DEMOCRACY: rather than dictatorship = peaceful world, war useful for elites, not the citizens feeling the brunt (KANT)
Liberalism has an inside out approach - Endogenous (domestic) factors determines exogenous (international) factors
inside: Free Market Parliamentary Debate Liberal Democracy Protect C.R
outside: globalised world, international institutions, peaceful international system, protect of H.R
Interdependence = anarchy does prevail at the international level, but political coop is possible - it's in economic interests & NGOs/TNCs
Free trade/economic liberalism = political coop = peace and interdependence = reduce war threat - SPILL OVER EFFECTS
E.G.EEC (technical and economic cooperation in 50s, then military and political coop by 70s)
Institutional Liberalism: cooperation is organised and formalised in institutions, anarchy is mitigated by institutional coop
institutions encourage coop habits by facilitating technical arrangements (showing benefits), monitoring compliance, sanctioning cheaters
world no zero sum game - collective gains
The Liberal Democratic Peace Thesis: No war between lib dem states since 1945
why? citizens dislike it - accountability
free trade engenders peace
no ground to contest each others legitimacy
share common values - no ideological reason for war
but democracy has a loose definition - Germany before WW1: democratically elected dictator
definition of war - coups/intervention
lib states fight non lib states b/c: of national security, to spread HR and democratic intervention in regimes
challenge realism - class exploitation/economic inequalities. Challenge liberalism - free trade and capitalism isn't best
Marxist focus: economic inequalities, forms of domination, N-S relations, economic determinism
dependence theory: criticism of development politics
economic factors determinant, class exploitation, IR is a global system of dominance (N dominates S)
Core: North/West financial power. Periphery is the South with raw materials & workforce, Core exploits Periphery, elites of core & elites of p. coop
Post structuralism:
doesn't emphasise material forces or power, or distribution of power, emphasis on production of K
how are political processes interpreted and represented, how is reality constructed through representation
Representation of reality is an act of power
emphasises/promotes one vision over another
we know who we are because we know who we're not; binary identities - men/women, good/bad, N/S.
self constructed as superior, other inferior
construction of enemy, solution is war
power to define greater than material power
North helps South: development and aid (more than $1000 billion since 1950s)
North uses South: Geopolitical interests, resources etc,
South threatens the North: immigration, terrorism
Realist vision for aid
aid form of buying political influence
geostrategic considerations, securing alliances, influencing decisions
Aid as a form of securing economic advvantages:
buying clients, tied aid
states give because it's in their interests
Liberalist vision for aid
product of humanitarian values
responsibility, liberal value
economic lib
promote peace
strengthen market capitalism
absolute gains
Marxist vision for giving aid
contributes to exploitation of S
conditional aid
Post structural vision:
questions very concept of development
deconstructs representation of S
one truth - development is the norm to follow
underdevelopment is the problem - solution is economic growth
negation of South's agency
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