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latin storys
(latin) Mind Map on latin storys, created by jvanderflier on 13/04/2013.
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almost 12 years ago
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latin storys
labors of heracles
father zeus
mother mortal princess alcmene
hera cross with huby
sent two snakes kill boy
heracles strong strangled them
hera revenged them and drove him insane
made heracles kill family
god cross
and told him to do tasks set by his cousin
1st the nemian lion
no weapon pearce its skin
threw spears arrows
followed in to den
tried to strangle but ran around
but held on until it died
used its claw to cut a coat from skin
reterned to cousine scared banished him from city
2end the hydra of lerna
body dog
grew snake heads
lived in swamp protected by crab
crushed crab
tried to hit with club each head down 2,3 grew back
with nethew
told him burn stump each time
kiled it and dipped arrows in blood
now poisonus
3rd ceryneian hind
capture alive
deer gold horns, bronze feet
quick chased for a year when caught he shot normal arrow through legs pining it
caught up
tied it up and took it back
4th the erymanthian boar
told captured alive
tracked it down
drove it out of home the thicket
out in to open ground
jumped on back tied it up in chains
before horns cut him
5th the augean stables
clean out stables
lots animals not been cleaned built up over years
clean out in day give him animals
diverted rivers alpheus and peneus they flushed away all the grime
went to claim reward not given said the rivers did it allso not counted as an labour
6th the stymphilian birds
man eating 100s
lived over a marsh to watery to walk on but to solid for boat
scared them by bangging the casternets athena gave him
and shot them with arrows in the air killed lots rest fled
7th the centan bull
capture it
rampaging crete blew fire
offerd help not taken
he overpowerd it after a while
and took it back
8th the horses of diomedies
4 mares trained to eat human
overpowerd them and let them lose chasing them to sea
sent his sevants after him but he dug a chanel letting water onto the plain
they fled
he then fed him to his horses and then controlled them, taking them back
9th the griddle of hippolyta
wore a griidle round her neck its golden
liked him offerd griddle
hera cross so spread rummor he was going to abduct her
people charged he killed them killed her and took griddle and fled
gave it to eurystheus who gave it to daughter
10th the cattle of geryon
steal them
geryon strong 3 heads 3 bodys and 6 hands
cattle garded by the son of aris and a dog with two heads
he approched slowly dog smelt him and ran barking madly
he killed them both with his club
he started to drive off the cattle but geryon appeared and
he shot him with an arrow and the goddes hera
and was free to go
11th the apples of the hesperides
heras tree present
in her garden garded by the daughters of hesperus
he siezed the god of the river and forced him to tell him where it was
had to kill dragon ladon
and then got atlus to get apples
he held up sky while he was getting apples
refused to lift it up again
he said can you lift it up for a bit
agreed and herculeus took apples and ran off
12th the capture of cerberus
go down to the underworld and bring back cerberus
coulbd be trapped down forever
traveld to underworld on the river styx
hades agreed but only if he got him with his bare hands
wrapped up in claok from lion to stop being killed
choaked him
brought him back
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