9 (continue)


Brigita Safyra
Mind Map by Brigita Safyra, updated more than 1 year ago
Brigita Safyra
Created by Brigita Safyra almost 9 years ago

Resource summary

9 (continue)
    1. ROUGH-INS can include electrical wiring,plumbing,and heating and air-conditioning elements.
    2. DRYWALL/PLASTERBOARD/WALLBOARD gypsum plaster sandwiched between two layers of coarse paper.
      1. R-FACTOR which is a way to measure the insulating value or resistance to heat flow through a material or an object.
        1. R-VALUE it is R-factor multiplied by the amount of material.
        2. INSULATION is installed once the main structure is complete.
          1. HEATING SYSTEMS
                1. HOT WATER SYSTEM this system consists of a boiler,pipes,and convectors or radiators.It relies on a process of heating and cooling liquid to heat a home.A boiler,typically located in the basement,heats water and sends it to pipes located throughout the walls of the home.
                  1. STEAM SYSTEM like the hot waters system,the steam system need a boiler ,pipes and convectors or radiators to operate.Steam is produced in the boiler and moves through the pipes to convectors or radiators that transfer heat into the room.
                    1. FORCED WARM AIR SYSTEM most people are familiar with forced warm air systems,since most buildings today include forced air furnaces.The components of this system include a furnace (with a blower),a heat source (gas,oil,wood,electricity.etc) Distribution ducts and return air ducts.Air is heated in the furnace
            2. AIR CONDITIONING COMPONENTS components of an air conditioner include a condenser,condenser fan,compressor,evaporator and blower and e liquid refrigerant.The CONDENSER needs outside air to operate,thus,air conditioning units are found outside.Basically to make cool air the comressor moves the liquid refrigerant to the evaporator where it absorbs heat from air passing over the coils,thereby cooling the air forced through the room.
              1. AIR-OR-WATER-COOLED SYSTEMS air-conditioning units are either cooled by air or water,or a combination refferd to as evaporative cooled condensing units.Evaporative systems are most commonly used in commercial construction.Water-cooled systems often use cooling towers to do their job.Air-cooled units rely on expelling heat outside and are most often used in residential construction.
                1. HEAT PUMPS electric heat pumps are an alternative to traditional heating and cooling systems.Heat pumps are more energy efficient than furnaces,and only one unit is needed instead of two.
                  1. PLUMBING SYSTEMS
                      1. PIPING includes cold water lines,hot water lines,and waste water lines.Gas lines are often included as part of the plumbing system.
                        1. WATER HEATING hot water heaters and tankless water heaters.Most hot water heaters in NY are tank-type heaters in which water is continually kept heated and ready for use.Tank size starts at 30 gallons,although most homes have a tank between 40-75 gsllons.Typically,units holding 30-40 gallons are found in one bathroom homes,and 50 gallon or more tanks in two-three and one half bathroom homes.
                    2. TYPES OF PIPING
                      1. CAST IRON incredibly durable and lasts for many years.Found in municipal water system.
                        1. GALVANIZED steel with a protective coating designed to extend its life.Used for water lines,cannot be used for gas.
                          1. COPPER ideal for water lines and generally considered superior to other types of piping.It can be expensive but it very durable since it rarely,if ever corrodes.
                            1. BRASS - used rarely due to its expense.
                              1. PVC type of plastic piping popular in plumbing construction and drainage systems,economical and resistant to rust and corrosion.PVC CANNOT BE USED FOR HOT WATER
                                1. PEX a flexible (cross-linked polyethylene)piping that is popular because it is resistant to bursting if the line freeze.Plumber can avoid using alot joint and elbows (or other connectors) to make more continuous piping runs.
                      2. DOMESTIC WATER. If you live in a metropolitian city or a suburb near city-getting water from PUBLIC WATER SUPPLY. If you live in area beyond the city,such as rural area,you may depend on a well water supply.
                        1. PIPE SIZING FOR ADEQUATE PRESSURES
                          1. A guideline for adequate water pressure is FIVE GALLONS OF WATER PER MINUTE.Low water pressure often results from a number of factors.Including :problems in the underground lines leading up to the house.Well pumps with low pressure. Pressure can often be restored by increasing pipe size,or repairing or replacing clogged pipes.
                          2. DRAIN TRAPS
                            1. S-TRAPS older style,have been replaced in most building codes with P-TRAPS.It has been determined that P-TRAPS are better at stopping the backflow of gases and fumes,as an S-TRAP's water seal can be broken more easily.When the water in the S-TRAP emits a gurgling sound,it is a sign the water seal is broken and a small amount of sever gass has escaped back through the dreain opening of the sink.
                            2. ELECTRICAL SYSTEMS
                              1. Power cables are located either underground or aboveground.SERVICE LATERAL is an underground power supply line,and SERVICE DROP is the aboveground supply line going from the service pole to a building.
                                1. VOLTAGE is a measure of the force that pushes electricity through a wire.Most residential circuits operate at 110 volts,while larger appliances require 220 volt circuits.
                                  1. AMPERAGE is the amount of electricity going through the wire-measured in amps.Most residential service is a minimum 100amps ,although newer construction typically requires 200amps service.
                                    1. GROUND FAULT INTERRUPTERS (GFI) in kitchens and bathrooms.Which turn of power at the outlet instantly if device plugged into it gets wet,shorts out or malfunctions.
                              2. CIRCUIT BREAKER is a device usually located inside the electrical breaker panel or circuit breaker box,designated to break its eletrical connection should and overload occur.
                                1. FUSES are protective devices for a wiring system that contain a wire designated to melt and open the circuit when overheating occurs.
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