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Foreign Policy towards HRE and United Provinces
History AS (Crown, Parliament and Authority) (James I) Mind Map on Foreign Policy towards HRE and United Provinces, created by Katie Difford on 12/04/2013.
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history as (crown
parliament and authority)
james i
history as (crown, parliament and authority)
james i
Mind Map by
Katie Difford
, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by
Katie Difford
almost 12 years ago
Resource summary
Foreign Policy towards HRE and United Provinces
United Provinces
England and United Provinces had anti-Spanish interests in common
Religious and cultural bonds
Reluctant to make peace with Spain and felt betrayed by England that they had made peace
Twelve Years Truce achieved in 1609
James sold the "cautionary towns" back to the Dutch for £215,000 in 1616
Cleves-Julich Dispute
1609 - James intervened in the Holy Roman Empire on the vacancy in the duchies of Cleves, Julich and Berg
Offered access to United Provinces
Duke William of Cleves' succession produced a dispute that threatened to divide Europe
France and England keen to keep the duchies in Protestant hands
Spain and the Empire wanted a Catholic candidate
James emerged as champion when peace was secured in 1614
Protestant Marriage, 1613
The marriage of his daughter Elizabeth to the Elector Frederick of the Palatinate showed sympathy for the German Protestant Union
Hoped to balance this with a Catholic marriage for his son
Work in the Cleves-Julich crises and the Protestant marriage met with the approval of the Puritans
Appeared that after the death of Henry IV in 1610, James was not likely to wield the Protestant sword
Caused problems as it raised Puritans hopes
Bohemia and the Palatinate Question
May 1618 - Defenestration of Prague began Thirty Years War
Bohemian Protestant minority elected Frederick of the Palatinate over Archduke Ferdinand over fears of Catholic extremeism
James expected to support Frederick when the Hasburgs went to war against him
James did not approve of Frederick accepting the Bohemian throne
His sensitivities to his financial problems, his love of peace, quest for stability, and his hatred of rebellion, made him cautious of intervention
This put James in a difficult position as he had accepted the Spanish suggestion to act as a mediator in the Bohemian question
Worked for James as he wanted Charles to marry the Spanish infanta
Spanish invasion of the palatinate had unleashed...
Strong anti-catholic feelings
Hostility to the power of Hasburgs
Hatred of Spain and the perceived influence of Gondomar
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