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PSYA2 Mind Map on Stress, created by doyea001 on 11/04/2013.
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almost 12 years ago
Resource summary
Daily Hassles
Minor day-to-day stressors
Small positive uplifts
Hassles and uplifts measured with Hassles and Uplifts Scale (HSUP)
Supporting Research
Bouteyre et al
Relationship between hassles and mental health during transition from school to university
First year students at French university to complete hassles part of HSUP & Beck Depression Inventory
41% showed depressive symptoms > positive correlation between hassles score and depressive symptoms
Nurses kept diaries for a month recording hassles and uplifts at work > Also asked to rate performance
After a month hassles had contributed to increased job strain & decreased performance > Uplifts counteracted some stress
Accumulation Effect
Persistent irritation
More serious reactions
Anxiety & depression
Amplification Effect
Major life change adds vulnerability to daily hassles
Major life change depletes resources needed to cope with minor stressors
Hassles cause stress because of stress from life change
Retrospective Recall
Research involves asking ppts to rate hassles over time period
Overcome by using diary
Cause and Effect
Workplace Stress
Job-Strain Model
Workplace causes stress and therefore illness
Marmot et al
High grade civil servants=high workload > Low grade civil servants=low control
> 7372 in London assessed for factors/signs of cardiovascular disorder > checked 5 years later
Marmot et al
No link between workload and stress illness
Johansson et al
Responsibility for sawing felt responsibility for whole company
Stress measured=Self-report (feelings & caffeine use) > Regular urine samples
Responsibility for sawing=Higher stress levels
Marmot et al
High link between control and stress illness
Role Conflict
Pomaki et al
High absentee levels, low performance levels, poor physical and mental health in those experiencing role conflict
Role conflict linked with emotional exhaustion, depressive symptoms and body complaints.
Stress and Illness
Immune system defends against antigens
Role of Cortisol
Immune system sensitive to cortisol
Under vigilant - letting infections enter without being dealt with effectively
Over vigilant - attacking cells which aren't antigens
Barrier created preventing entry for antigens
Eliminating antigens once they've entered the body
Eliminating antigens once they have started to reproduce
Acute Stressors
Marucha et al
Punch biopsies in mouths of students > Summer and 3 days before exams
Wounds near exam 30% longer to heal
Kiecolt-Glaser et al
Impact of important exams on medical students from French university
Blood samples analysed month before and during exams
NK cells reduced in second sample
Chronic Stress
Kiecolt-Glaser et al
Blister wounds on arms of married couples
Slower healing after conflicting discussions
Malarkey et al
90 newlyweds over 24hrs > Asked couples to discuss and resolve martial issues
Leads to changes in adrenaline / noradrenaline > could lead to poor immune functioning
Stressors enhancing immune system
Evans et al
Activity of antibody sIgA > Students gave small talks to one another (mild acute stress)
Increase sIgA but decrease in same students during exams
Segerstrom and Millar
Meta-analysis of 2935 studies
Long term chronic stress suppresses immune system
Short term acute stress boosts immune system
Difficult to establish relationship between illness and stress
Showing long term effects requires longitudinal research
Expensive and time-consuming
Health affected by many factors
Problem with correlational data
Health is slow to change
Difficult to show effect of specific stressors
Stress and Life Changes
Holmes and Rahe
Saw link between stress and life changes
Social Readjustment Rating Scale (SRRS)
Rahe et al
Positive correlation between LCU and illness score
Ppts aboard US Navy Cruiser (2700) complete SRRS before tour of duty
Illness score calculated on number, type and severities of injuries on tour.
43 life changes > asked 400 people to give numerical score
Marriage baseline at 50 LCU
High score if more readjustment required
Score totalled and averaged to create life change unit values.
Daily Hassles
Events in SRRS are fairly infrequent
Inclusion of positive and negative events
Event or quality of event causes stress
Undesired/unscheduled events are more harmful
Correlational data
Are people are ill more likely to report a life change?
Third variable may be cause
Anxious people more likely to report negative life events and prone to illness
Individual differences
Relates to quality of event
Personality Factor
Friedman and Rosenman
Type A
Impatience and Time-Urgency
Competitiveness and Achievement Striving
Hostility and Aggression
Lead to raised blood pressure and stress hormones
Linked to Coronary Heart Disease (CHD)
Type B
Less vulnerable to stress related ilness
Western Collaborative Group Study > Ppts examines for signs of CHD & assessed for personality
Relationship found between stress related illness and increased likelihood towards risk factors.
Ragland and Brand
Follow-up 22 yrs later > 15% of men died of CHD
Importance of risk factors but not link between Type A and mortality
Meta-analysis of 35 studies
Hostility linked to CHD > No link with other Type A factors
Undermines link between Type A and stress related illness
Hardy Personality
Maddi et al
US company reducing size of workforce
2/3 employees suffered stress related health problems over year
1/3 thrived & showed Hardy traits
Lifton et al
Hardiness of students at 5 universities to see if linked with chances of completing degree
Students who scored high were more likely to complete their degree
Hardiness and Negative Affectivity
3 C's not characteristics but way we think about success and failures
Some dwell on failure, report more distress and dissatisfaction
Referred to as 'High on Negative Affectivity'
Hardy Personality and NA negativly correlated
Psychlogical Methods of Stress Management
Cognative Behavioural Therapy
Challenging negative thoughts
Rewarding desirable behaviours
Conceptualistation Phase
Client and therapist establish relationship
Identify source of stress
Skills Acquisitions Phase
Skills taught to cope with stress
E.G. Positive thinking, social support
Application Phase
Client practises skills in real world
Monitor success/failure
Applied to many individuals and situations
Time, commitment and money
Hardiness Training
Client taught to recognise symptoms of stress
Indentify source
Relievng stress encounters
Patient encouraged to think about recent stressful situations
Analyse response to situations
Self Improvement
Patients taught to see stressors as challenges
Targets perception and coping
Time, commitment and money
Teaches ability to cope with variety of situations
Biological Methods of Stress Management
Enhances GABA
Binds to special sites on receptors
Increase chloride ion flow
Kahn et al
250 patients over 8 weeks > Bzs superior to placebos
Hildalgo et al
Meta-analysis > Bzs more effective at reducing anxiety than other antidepressants
Bzs should not be used for more than 4 weeks
Side Effects
Increased aggressiveness
Cognitive side effects
Reduce activity of adrenaline and noradrenaline
Bond to cells on heart
Hard to stimulate cells
Less pressure on body
Used in real life settings
Side Effects
Linked to increased chance of developing diabetes
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