Conducting Experiments


PSYB01 (Mind Maps) Mind Map on Conducting Experiments, created by andreaarose on 09/12/2013.
Mind Map by andreaarose, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by andreaarose over 10 years ago

Resource summary

Conducting Experiments
  1. Types of manipulations
    1. Straightforward manipulations
      1. Manipulating a variable simply - by presenting material to the participants
        1. Ex - memory research
        2. Staged manipulations
          1. Staging events during the experiment
            1. Used when trying to create a psychological state or simulating a real world situation
            2. Manipulation strength
              1. Making the independent variable maximally different, while keeping everything else the same
            3. Measuring the dependant variable
              1. Self report measures
                1. Use to measure explicit attitudes
                2. Behavioural measures
                  1. Direct observation of behaviours
                  2. Physiological measures
                    1. A recording of response of the body
                      1. Galvanic skin response (GSR)
                        1. Measures emotional arousal and anxiety
                        2. Electromyogram (EMG)
                          1. Measures muscle tension
                          2. Electrocardiogram (ECG)
                            1. Measures heartbeat regularity and rate
                            2. Electroencephalogram (EEG)
                              1. Measures electrical activity of brain cells
                            3. Sensitivity of the dependent variable
                              1. Must be able to detect resulting difference between groups
                                1. Ceiling effect
                                  1. Task is so easy that everyone does well
                                  2. Floor effect
                                    1. Task is so hard that no one does well
                                2. Controlling for participant expectation
                                  1. Demand characteristics
                                    1. Any feature that might inform participants of the purpose of the study
                                    2. Filler items
                                      1. Items on a questionnaire that mislead participants about the purpose of the study
                                      2. Placebo group
                                        1. If the placebo and the experimental group equally increase, it is a placebo effect
                                      3. Controlling for experimenter expectation
                                        1. Experimenter bias
                                          1. Aware of the expectations of the study, expecting how participants should perform
                                          2. Single blind procedure
                                            1. Participant is unaware
                                            2. Double blind procedure
                                              1. Participant and experimenter are unaware
                                            3. Pilot study
                                              1. Trial run with a small sample from the larger sample
                                              2. Manipulation checks
                                                1. Checks for construct validity
                                                2. Debriefing
                                                  1. Discussing the ethical and educational implications of the study
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