Home Network


A mind map of all the relationships associated with my home server
Robert Larkin
Mind Map by Robert Larkin, updated more than 1 year ago
Robert Larkin
Created by Robert Larkin about 9 years ago

Resource summary

Home Network
  1. Virtualization SW
    1. Citrix
      1. VMWare
        1. KVM
        2. Firewalls - http://www.smallbusinesscomputing.com/webmaster/5-best-open-source-firewalls.html newline via
          1. pfsense
            1. r22
            2. Smothwall
              1. r23
              2. IPCop
                1. r24
              3. Remote Connectivity
                1. VNC
                  1. resource 12
                    1. r13
                      1. r14
                        1. r15
                          1. r16
                            1. r17
                              1. r18
                                1. r19
                                  1. r20
                                    1. r21
                2. r25
                  1. r26
                    1. r29
                      1. r30
                      2. r27
                        1. r28
                        Show full summary Hide full summary


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