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Physics P6 Radioactive Materials
Mind Map on Physics P6 Radioactive Materials, created by ryowzat on 10/04/2013.
Mind Map by
, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by
almost 12 years ago
Resource summary
Physics P6 Radioactive Materials
Atoms consist of a Nucleus + Orbiting Electrons
The nucleus contains protons and neutrons
It takes up most of the mass of the atom
The electrons are tiny
They whizz around the outside of the atom
The number of Neutrons in an element ISN'T FIXED
Every atom of a particular element has the same number of protons in its nucleus
eg. Every carbon atom has 6 protons
eg. Every nitrogen atom has 7 protons
Usually each element only has one or two stable isotopes (Carbon-12)
Radioactive elements EMIT ionising radiation
Some elements emit ionising radiation all the time
These elements are radioactive
Radioactive atoms are unstable
When an atom decays, it spits out one or more of three types of ionising radiation
Slow and Heavy
Can be blocked by a piece of paper
Lighter and MORE penetrating
Are blocked by a thin layer of aluminium
Is an electromagnetic wave
Blocked by thick lead
Half - Life
Is the time taken for half of the radioactive nuclei now present to decay
Initial count: 640 (/2) after ONE half life: 320 (/2) after TWO half lives: 160, etc..
The Atom and Nuclear Fusion
Nuclear fission releases a LOT of energy
Splitting a gram of uranium releases over 10,000 times more energy than burning a gram of oil
Nuclear fission needs to be carefully controlled
In nuclear reactors, a chain reaction is set up
Nuclear Fission and Nuclear Power
Nuclear power stations release energy by splitting atoms
Nuclear fuel (uranium or plutonium) releases large amounts of energy when its nuclei split apart
The waste from nuclear power stations is hard to deal with
The main problem with nuclear power is that it produces radioactive waste
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