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acids, bases + salts (2)
Chemistry Mind Map on acids, bases + salts (2), created by charlotte_lucy_9 on 10/04/2013.
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acids, bases + salts (2)
neutralisation reactions
when the H+(aq) ions from an acid react with the OH-(aq) ions from an alkali, a neutralisation reaction occurs to form water
e.g H+(aq) + OH-(aq) -> H20(l)
when acids dissolve in water they produce aqueous hydrogen ions, H+ (aq)
e.g. hydrocholric acid
when alkalis dissolve in water they produce aqueous hydroxide ions, OH- (aq)
e.g sodium hydroxide
state symbols
(s) - solid
(l) - liquid
(g) - gas
(aq) - aqueous (dissolves in water)
making soluble salts
when acids react with bases, a salt and water are made:
acid + metal oxide -> salt + water
acid + metal hydroxide -> salt + water
reactive metals
acids will react with reactive metals, such as magnesium and zinc, to make a salt and hydrogen:
acid + metal -> salt + hydrogen
the hydrogen causes bubbling during the reaction, this can be detected using a lighted splint
naming salts
the name of the salt in a neutralisation reaction can be predicted
if the first part of the name is 'ammonium' then the base used is ammonia, otherwise it's the name of the metal in the base
the second part of the name comes from the base used:
chloride - if hydrochloric acid is used
nitrate - if nitric acid is used
sulfate - of sulfuric acid is used
making insoluble salts
insoluble salts DO NOT dissolve in water
can be made by mixing appropriate solutions of ions together
e.g.silver chloride is insoluble, you need soluble silver salt and a soluble chloride salt to make it
silver nitrate and sodium chloride are both soluble, when you mix their solutions together you make:
soluble sodium nitrate
insoluble silver chloride
the silver chloride appears in tiny particles suspended in the reaction mixture, it forms a precipitate
the precipitate can be filtered, washed with water on the filter paper, and then dried in an oven
if you want to make an insoluble salt XY, mixing X nitrate with sodium Y will always work
in the e.g. X is silver and Y is chloride
using precipitation reactions
they can be used to remove unwanted ions in solutions, this is a useful way for treating drinking water and waste water
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