French Revolution (1789-1799)


French/Hatian thought map
Mind Map by 2018463, updated more than 1 year ago More Less
Damen  Alexander
Created by Damen Alexander almost 9 years ago
Copied by 2018463 almost 9 years ago

Resource summary

French Revolution (1789-1799)
  1. Reasons for revolution
    1. Financial
      1. Crop Shortage/failure
        1. Heavy Burden of taxes
          1. Inflation
          2. Unresponsive King
            1. King Louis XVI
              1. Married Marie Antoinette
                1. Arch rival country, Austria.
          3. Who revolted
            1. 3rd Estate vs. 2nd and 1st Estate
              1. 3rd Estate: Middle Class, 97% of pop, paid 50% taxes
                1. Bourgeoise- Well educated, highest of 3rd estate
                  1. Workers- Cooks, servants, unskilled, middle of 3rd
                    1. Pesents- (Sans-Culottes)Farmers, 80% of French population
                      1. Paid the most in taxes, livelihood dependent on econmy
                    2. 2nd Estate
                      1. Nobles, 2% of population owned 20% of land, 0% tax
                      2. 1st Estate
                        1. Catholic Church, owned 10% of land, 1% of population, 2% of income tax
                    3. Outcome of Revolt
                      1. Creation of National Assembly
                        1. Collection of Third Estate peole
                          1. Didn't want king, wanted power to people all entitled to rights
                        2. Louis's Assembly of Nobles
                          1. Called for more taxes
                          2. Haitian Revolution
                            1. Cause of Revolut
                              1. Declaration of rights of Man pamphlet made its way to St. Domingue
                                1. Slogan:"Liberty, Equallity, & Fraternity"
                                  1. Slaves believed that applied to them too.
                              2. Key People
                                1. Toussaint
                                  1. Wrote 1st Cons. Built forts, schools, etc, Lead Revolut single handedly, nick named "Black Napolean", wrote letter to Napolean about accoplishments, and was jailed.
                                  2. JJ. Dealines
                                    1. 1st President, Toussaints right hand man.
                                    2. Boukman
                                      1. Early, Great leader of Revolution
                                    3. Outcome
                                      1. Since Slaves outnumbered all others 15:1, they ran first successful slave revolt
                                  3. Key People
                                    1. Lafayette
                                      1. Wrote Declaration of the rights of Man and Citzen
                                        1. Member of National Assembly
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