Chocolate Bar Flow Chart


Chocolate production flow chart
Mind Map by 545936gfss, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by 545936gfss almost 9 years ago

Resource summary

Chocolate Bar Flow Chart
  1. Natural Resources
    1. Cocoa trees
      1. Chocolate Liquor
        1. Cocoa Butter
          1. Cocoa solids
            1. Vanilla
              1. Sugar Lecithin
                1. Milk
                  1. Fruits, Nuts and other Add-ins
                    1. Theobroma Cacao
                    2. Raw Materials
                      1. Criollo,
                        1. Trinitario
                          1. Forastero
                            1. cocoa pods from trees
                              1. flavoring agents
                                1. potassium carbonate
                                  1. cocoa beans
                                  2. Labour
                                    1. workers
                                      1. Cocoa pods are harvested and split open by hand to remove beans; workers prepare beans for the market, and factory processes. it then undergo's fermentation, where the pulp clinging to the beans matures and turns into liquid. It then drains away and "true" chocolate flavor develops. The mass of beans is dried, and packed into sacks. Winnowing; dried beans are cracked and a stream of air separates the shell from the nib (small pieces used to make chocolate)
                                      2. Quality Control
                                        1. Lawyer
                                        2. Capital
                                          1. machinery involved in factory processing of chocolate
                                            1. Roasting nibs roasted in special gourmet ovens at temperatures between 105-120 degrees Celsius. Cocoa nibs darken to a rich, brown colour and acquire their chocolate flavour and aroma. Grinding and roasted nibs are ground in stone mills until the friction and heat of the milling reduces them to a thick chocolate-coloured liquid. Cocoa mass is pressed in powerful machines (hydraulic press) to extract the cocoa butter, which is vital to making chocolate. The chocolate mass is then quality inspected and shipped to factories, ready to be made into chocolate. The mass of chocolate is then put into machines to shape them into the form of a bar
                                          2. Information
                                            1. Information about the chocolate is then stated and reviewed by Quality Control. Certain guidelines were set by the 1944 Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Law, as well as more recent laws and regulations. For example... milk chocolate must contain a minimum of 12 percent milk solids and 10 percent chocolate liquor. Also sweet chocolate, which contains no milk solids, must contain at least 15 percent chocolate liquor, fresh ingredients, hygienic processing areas
                                            2. Management
                                              1. Board of Directors
                                                1. A Board of Directors and other authoritative figures sign off on where the chocolate is to be shipped (stores, etc) . The Board of Directors are also the ones who decide which confections are to be shipped where, and in what quantity. They communicate with the other "receiving end" of the chocolate, and review the necessary transactions
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