Much Ado About Nothing Character Map


Zachary Ore
Mind Map by Zachary Ore, updated more than 1 year ago
Zachary Ore
Created by Zachary Ore almost 9 years ago

Resource summary

Much Ado About Nothing Character Map
  1. Leonato
    1. Beatrice
      1. Benedict
      2. Hero
        1. Claudio
            1. Beatrice Is the niece of Leonato, cousins with Hero, and near the end of the book, cousins with Claudio and wife of Benedict.
          1. Don Pedro is a very important nobleman from Aragón, close friend of Leonato, Benedict, and Claudio, as well as Don John's half Brother.
          2. Dogberry is the chief policeman of Messina, is a friend of Leonato, and Verges is pretty much his best friend
            1. Verges is the deputy to Dogberry, and is pretty much Dogberry's best friend.
              1. Leonato
              2. Antonio
                1. Ursula is one of Hero's and Beatrice's serving woman,
                  1. Margaret is one of Hero's and Beatrice's serving woman, and she is in love with Borachio.
                      1. Hero
                        1. Beatrice
                          1. Antonio, Leonato's older brother and Hero's and Beatrice's uncle.
                            1. Hero Is the daughter of Leonato, cousins with Beatrice, and near the end of the book, cousins with Benedict and wife of Claudio.
                              1. Benedict is a soldier under Don Pedro, best friends with Claudio, at the end of the book he is cousins with Hero, and Beatrice's husband.
                                1. Claudio is a soldier under Don Pedro, best friends with Benedict, at the end of the book he is cousins with Beatrice, and Hero's husband.
                            1. Leonato is the governor of Messina, he is a friend of Dogberry and Don Pedro, he is the father of Hero and Father in law of Claudio, uncle of Beatrice and Benedict, and Antonio's younger brother.
                            2. Don John is Don Pedro's illegitimate half-Brother, the villain of the play, and the employer of Borachio and Conrade.
                              1. Borachio is one of Don John's associates, a friend of Conrade and the lover of Margaret
                                1. Conrade is one of Don John's associates, and a friend of Borachio.
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