All about the protist


Generally the kingdom protista consists of two major group, its protozoa and algae
farah atiqah
Mind Map by farah atiqah, updated more than 1 year ago
farah atiqah
Created by farah atiqah about 9 years ago

Resource summary

All about the protist
  1. Generally
    1. Nutrition
      1. Photoautotrophic
        1. Chemoheterotrophic
          1. Mixotrophic
            1. use both organic and unorganic compound
          2. Reproduction
            1. Sexual
              1. Fussion -gamate- syngamy process
              2. Asexual
                1. Binary fussion
              3. Morphology
                1. Cytoplasm
                  1. Pellicle
                    1. Vacuoles
                      1. Energy Production
                        1. Mitochondria-Chemoautotroph Mitochondria+Chloroplast-Phatosynthetic Hydrogenosome-Chemoorganotrophs
                        2. Contractile vacuole(maintain osmoregulation)
                          1. Phagocytic vacuoles(ingest food)
                          2. For support
                          3. OUter gelatinous ectoplasm
                            1. Inner fluid
                        3. Type
                          1. Protozoa (animal-like protist)
                            1. Classification
                              1. Apicomplexa
                                1. Characteristic
                                  1. *Obligate parasite *non-motile in mature form *Food absorb through other wall
                                2. Archaezoa
                                  1. Characteristic: 1.Flagellated 2.Move in whiplike manner 3. Free-living 4. Parasitic (live& grow in blood stream-inflammation in brain)
                                    1. Habitat: Fresh water
                                    2. Ciliphora
                                      1. Characteristic
                                        1. *have cilia *have gullet(mouth)/cystostome-ingesting material *Eg: -Paramecium, Balantidium coli
                                      2. Rhizopoda
                                        1. Characteristic:
                                          1. Rhizopoda=Amoebas *move by pseudopods *apply phagocytosis *habitat-marine fresh water
                                      3. Generally
                                        1. Nutrition obtain through..
                                          1. Pinocytes
                                            1. Fluid sucked into channel
                                            2. Phagositosis
                                              1. Absorbtion
                                                1. Ingestion via gullet/cytosome
                                                2. Characteristic
                                                  1. *no chlorophyll *lack cell wall *Unicellular *parasitic/phatogenic *Aerobic/anaerobic/chemoheterotroph *
                                                  2. Diversity
                                                    1. May *housed in shell/clothed in scales/naked *pigmented/non-pigmented *parasitic/symbiotic
                                                3. Algae (Plant-like protist)
                                                  1. General Characteristic
                                                    1. Habitat
                                                      1. Reproduction
                                                        1. asexual reproduction
                                                          1. Fragmentation
                                                            1. Thallus breaks -> fragmented parts -> Form new thallus
                                                            2. Spores
                                                              1. flagellated motile spore=zoospores non-motile spores=apllanospores
                                                              2. Binary fission
                                                                1. nuclear division followed by cytoplasm
                                                              3. sexual reproduction
                                                                1. Female structure: oogonia -. eggs male structure: antheridia -. sperms
                                                              4. Motillity
                                                                1. Distriution of algae
                                                                  1. Primarily
                                                                    1. Plantonic
                                                                      1. suspended in aqueous environment
                                                                      2. Benthic
                                                                        1. attached on the bottom of water
                                                                        2. Neustonic
                                                                          1. at water surface
                                                                        3. Terrestrial
                                                                          1. moist rock, trees, soil
                                                                      3. Algal ecology
                                                                        1. seaweed
                                                                          1. Provide habitat for marine communities
                                                                            1. human food(sushi)
                                                                            2. secondary product
                                                                              1. alginic acid (ice-cream)
                                                                                1. carrageenan (agar)
                                                                                  1. Diatomaceous earth (filter/ polishing compound)
                                                                                  2. food base
                                                                                    1. for marine food chain
                                                                                    2. Production of toxic
                                                                                      1. Algal blooms
                                                                                    3. Taxonomy
                                                                                      1. Chlorophyta (green)
                                                                                        1. *green algae *cellulose cell walls *chlorophyll a & b *store glucose polymers
                                                                                        2. Rhodophyta (red)
                                                                                          1. *Reddish colour *chlorophyll a and b, phycocyanin, phycoerythrin, phycoerythrin *cell wall-cellulose/agar *sexual reproduction *storage materials- glucose polymers *habitat-marine(ocean depths)
                                                                                          2. Phaeophyta (brown)
                                                                                            1. *Brown colour *chlorophylls a & c, xanthophyils * cell wall-cellulose/algin *sexual reproduction *storage materials- carbohydrate *Habitat-marine (coastal water)
                                                                                            2. Chrysophyta (Diatoms)
                                                                                              1. *golden- brown algae *chlorophyll a & c *cell wall- peptin &silica *sexual reproduction *storage materials-oil *Habitat-fresh water
                                                                                              2. Pyrrophyta (Dinoflagellated)
                                                                                                1. *brownish *can cause 'red tides' *chlorophyll a & c *cell wall-cellulose *storage materials- starch *habitat-fresh water
                                                                                                2. Euglenophyta
                                                                                                  1. *green colour *chlorophyll a & b, carotene *cell wall- none *no sexual reproduction *storage materials- glucose polymers *habitat-freshwater
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