Executive Branch


looks cool
Ashton Brown
Mind Map by Ashton Brown, updated more than 1 year ago
Ashton Brown
Created by Ashton Brown over 9 years ago

Resource summary

Executive Branch
  1. President
    1. in charge of the army, treaties, etc.
    2. Cabinet
      1. The president's group of advisors
      2. State of the Union
        1. When the president writes a speech about all of the issues that need to be covered in the congresss
        2. Vice President
          1. Second in command for when the president is impeached or killed
          2. EOP
            1. Created to communicating the president's needs, or to see over trade
            2. USDA
              1. Executes policy on food and agricultural products
              2. DOD
                1. Provides forces and protects security of the nation, headquarters in the Pentagon
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