QB1 by Mike Lupica


Story Elements
Clayton Swanson
Mind Map by Clayton Swanson, updated more than 1 year ago
Clayton Swanson
Created by Clayton Swanson over 9 years ago

Resource summary

QB1 by Mike Lupica
  1. Main Conflict
    1. Cause- Jake is a freshmen trying out for the varsity team but he is too young.
      1. Conflict or Problem- He is too young to try out for the varsity team.
      2. Charicters
        1. Name- Jake
          1. Characteristic- Looks up to his dad and his brother.
            1. Characteristic- Plays football.
            2. Name- Wyatt
              1. Characteristic- Plays football.
                1. Characteristic- Jakes brother.
              2. Setting
                1. Place or location- Texas
                  1. Time- Presant
                  2. Theme
                    1. How bought out in book- Jake is trying to get better to try out for the varsity team.
                      1. Message or Theme- Jake is trying out for the varsity team.
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