word techniques


English Mind Map on word techniques, created by ehaglund.45 on 12/11/2013.
Mind Map by ehaglund.45, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by ehaglund.45 over 10 years ago

Resource summary

word techniques
  1. onomatapoeia
    1. sound of the word is the same as its meaning
      1. sound effects best read aloud
        1. EG
          1. BANG
            1. POW
              1. THUD
                1. WOOF
                  1. MEOW
            2. rhyme
              1. repetition of the sound at the end of words
                1. adds a sense of fun
                  1. EG
                    1. THE CAT IN THE HAT
                      1. GIVE ME MONEY HONEY
                        1. SHE WAS A HE
                      2. Simile
                        1. figure of speech
                          1. compare things that are not the same
                            1. using like or as
                              1. EG
                                1. ITS LIKE AN OVEN IN HERE
                                  1. SHE SHONE BRIGHTLY AS IF SHE WERE THE SUN
                                2. Assonance
                                  1. repetition of a sound in words
                                    1. used to enhance imagery
                                      1. appeals to sense of sound
                                        1. EG
                                          1. THE SOUND OF THE HOUND IN THE POUND
                                        2. Alliteration
                                          1. Each word begins with the same same sound
                                            1. Repetition of a sonsonant, not vowel
                                              1. EG
                                                1. TICK, TOCK, TO MANY TOES
                                                  1. BRING BELLE TO BURINGBAR BECAUSE ITS HER BIRTHDAY
                                                2. Metaphor
                                                  1. figure of speech
                                                    1. comparison between unalike things
                                                      1. says something IS another thing
                                                        1. EG
                                                          1. YOU ARE A RAY OF SUNSHINE
                                                            1. ITS AN OVEN IN HERE
                                                              1. HE WAS STEPPING ON EGG SHELLS
                                                            2. Imagery
                                                              1. creates a picture in you mind
                                                                1. appeals to emotions as well as senses
                                                                  1. EG
                                                                    1. SHE HAD LITTLE RED ROSES THE SIZE OF BUTTONS
                                                                      1. SHE SMELT LIKE SWEET HONEY
                                                                    2. Repetition
                                                                      1. repeating a word or phrase
                                                                        1. draws attention to the words
                                                                          1. assists in the rhythm of the poem
                                                                          2. Personification
                                                                            1. gives a thing or animal human characteristics
                                                                              1. personality to inanimate objects
                                                                                1. EG
                                                                                  1. THE SUN SMILED DOWN HIS GOLDEN RAYS
                                                                                    1. THE WIND CREPT UP UNDERNEATH THE FLOOR BOARDS
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