"The knower´s perspective is essential in the pursuit of
knowledge (David Arévalo 11A)
The perspective (or Point of View) affects the
process of generating knowledge, at the point, that
if the "Knower" does´t have a perspective, is
impossible to acquire knowledge.
The perspective is something personal. It is created by the
individual and solely by the individual.
Past experiences can shape how we think, and
our perception of what surround us.
Person with economic needs, may have a different perception of
acquiring knowledge, than a one who does´t have that need.
Because it means a chance of becoming richer, while the other
person does´t have that hurry to acquire knowledge.
Posible Counter-arguments
Perspective is a "double-edge" sword, perception can generate
biased knowledge. When there is a biased knowledge, a part from
the "pure knowledge" is omitted. This is in the case of individual
Parents, and relatives form our perception of
things, since we are children. These
perception remains throughout the lifetime
of the knower. No teacher, classmate, boss,
etc. Can change this perception.
Area of Knowledge selected (#2):
Historians (like Geographers) have to use the WoKs
to create "bridges" between sources (primary and
secondary) to generate knowledge History isn´t a
certain science, it is open to interpretation, which
means that in History the knower "decides" what is
the truth starting from the evidences or sources he is
Paper 1 in History IB exams, is a source paper.
This exam gives the student a set of sources,
which he has to use to write analytical essays.
In my case, I have to use the Woks mentioned
before, in order to reach to good conclusions.
The WoKs are used (in my case) to build
bridges between each source, the result is
conclusion which has sense.
WoKs used:Language, sense perception,
reason, Intuition and memory
Area of Knowledge Selected (#1): Geography
Geography uses both:
Primary and Secondary
data. Which means, that the
knower has to "join" these
sets of data to form
knowledge. There isn´t a
incorrect answer. It is all
correct when it has a
sensible justification
During our trip to Villa de Leyva, we had to recollect
quantitative and qualitative data. From these we had to
make graphs to then analyse and conclude on the effect
of tourism on the locals.
WoKs used: Language, sense
perception,reason and Intuition
Reasons for choosing the title:
As a HL History and Geography student, the
interpretation of sources is key to generate
knowledge. I would like to analyze in more in depth
on the "perspective", and how does it affect our way of
I would like to analyze, how can
teachers can affect the perspective of
their students, and hence their pursuit
of knowledge. I would like to know how
does the schools search for new
teachers, should they have a specific
trait? Because knowledge can also be
created through feelings.
I would also like to analyze in depth, why can the Areas
of Knowledge varie in such an abruptly way. Why when
a student changes of teacher, the way the subject is
reached, changes. It is completely different a History
lesson with a teacher with left-wing ideologies, than with
a right-wing. Is it a reality? or just a perception?
How can the
"context" of the
knower affect the
way in which he/ she
How does a teacher affect our perspective of knowledge?
Si los expertos de una disciplina determinada tienen acceso a los mismos hechos ¿cómo es posible que pueda haber desacuerdos entre ellos? Desarrolle su respuesta haciendo referencia a dos áreas de conocimiento