

Intro to Journalism quiz 1 professor Loop
Joe  Cruz
Mind Map by Joe Cruz, updated more than 1 year ago
Joe  Cruz
Created by Joe Cruz over 9 years ago

Resource summary

  1. The Inverted Pyramid
    1. Lead
      1. Who
        1. Immediate ID - Dealing with public Official
          1. Delayed ID - Anonymous, less important figure more "general persona"
          2. What
            1. Summary of 'what' happened - most important facts in under 30 words
            2. When
              1. Counting down to some deadline
                1. Very seldom/NEVER used
              2. Where
                1. AKA "Location" leads NOT/NEVER used because we have "Dateline"
                2. Why
                  1. Context
                    1. Supporting Statement
                      1. Big Picture
                        1. Details
                    2. Idea of Objectivity
                      1. Metaphysics
                        1. Epistomology
                          1. Aesthetics
                            1. How we communicate what we know
                            2. Limits of Human Knowledge
                            3. Things we know exist
                            4. Two big factors
                              1. Time
                                1. Before publishing in order to fact check
                                2. Filter function
                                  1. Pressure to deliver content 24/7
                                    1. More eyes to check for mistakes
                                3. Definition
                                  1. The objective recreation of REALITY within context
                                  2. 1st Amendment freedoms
                                    1. Religion
                                      1. Speech
                                        1. Press
                                          1. Assembly
                                            1. Grievances
                                            2. Fourth Estate
                                              1. Ayn Rand
                                                1. Not a branch of government
                                                  1. Journalists keep checks on 3 other branches
                                                  2. Establish public exposure
                                                    1. 6th Amendment
                                                      1. Right to a speedy and fair trial
                                                      2. Report on the doings of the Gov.
                                                    2. Levels of Confidentiality
                                                      1. 1. On Record
                                                        1. 2. Off Record
                                                          1. 3. Background/Deep Background
                                                            1. Description rather than name
                                                              1. Mostly operate on these levels
                                                              2. Someone Tells you something, You CANNOT attribute source
                                                              3. Name, Title, Source
                                                              4. Fundamentality
                                                                1. Find most important W
                                                                  1. Essential Facts upon which entire story centers around.
                                                                    1. OPPOSITE OF SENSATIONALISM
                                                                      1. To take something out of context or meaning
                                                                    2. Good Leads
                                                                      1. If it bleeds, it leads
                                                                        1. People before property
                                                                        2. Use "atleast"
                                                                          1. Fluid numbers, death tolls can rise or fall
                                                                          2. Chronology
                                                                            1. Time, Date (Day Of The Week), Place
                                                                              1. Place will always be City, St. (State will be abbreviated)
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