The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy


book project
Megan Soria
Mind Map by Megan Soria, updated more than 1 year ago
Megan Soria
Created by Megan Soria over 9 years ago

Resource summary

The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy
  1. Written by Douglas Adams
    1. Main Conflict
      1. Cause: Earth was destroyed 5 minutes before the Ultimate question was found
        1. Conflict: The characters want to know the question to the ultimate answer
        2. Charaters
          1. Arthur Dent
            1. Worried Man
              1. Thinks Logically
            2. Zaphod Beeblebrox
              1. President of the Galaxy
                1. Insane
                2. Trillian
                  1. Smart
                    1. ill-tempered
                    2. Ford Prefect
                      1. Hitchhiker
                        1. Easy Going
                      2. Theme:
                        1. The characters stayed never found the answer but just carried on with life
                          1. Message: There is no true meanning to life, make yourself happy
                          2. Setting
                            1. Modern Day
                              1. All over the Galaxy
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