VR: Virtual Reality


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rally Díaz
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Kevin Otalora
Created by Kevin Otalora over 3 years ago
rally Díaz
Copied by rally Díaz over 3 years ago

Resource summary

VR: Virtual Reality
  1. What is it?
    1. “It is an environment in which technology tricks your senses so that you feel as if you were in another place ”. That is, it is a computerized simulation of spaces diverse in which we can interact and explore as if we were there Really.
      1. To get into this technology, the user needs to put on a helmet or goggles to start with the simulation, these are usually connected to a computer, console or to the mobile phone.
    2. Types & Fields of reality virtual
      1. Semi-Immersive
        1. Semi-immersive virtual reality offers users a combination of real and virtual interactive elements. An example is the cinema 4D, but the most common application is training, for example, with flight simulators that have a realistic cockpit that is moves. This type of application allows you to train professionals without physical risks, or high bills in case of error.
        2. AR
          1. Augmented reality, or AR, mixes virtual elements with real elements. While pure virtual reality creates an environment that is not real, and everything is based on that environment, augmented reality is based on our real environment, but it expands it, modifies and complements it.
          2. Collavorative
            1. This form of virtual reality projects the same virtual environment for several users at the same time, regardless of their location, to share ideas and work together on projects. It can be as simple as a virtual conference room, for example.
            2. Manufacturing
              1. It is one of the forms of VR with the greatest capacity for development. VR and AR can ensure safety and quality at every step of the manufacturing process, from design to inventory management.
              2. Medical
                1. Undoubtedly, one of the most promising VR manifestations, as it allows for very immersive simulations that are faithful to reality of surgical procedures, and thus allow risk-free training to surgeons.
                2. Therapy
                  1. There are patients with phobia or related disorders who can benefit from gradual exposure to the source of the problem, a process called systematic desensitization or exposure therapy. Virtual reality allows these patients to undergo exposure therapy in a controllable, safe and private environment, which increases the effectiveness of the treatment.
                  2. Mixed Reality
                    1. This technology allows combining virtual reality with the physical world, offering a unique and very realistic experience. Is not the same than Augmented Reality, which provides information superimposed on what we perceive, but here two worlds overlap: the real and virtual.
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