Types of communication


includes some different types of communication. The ones included are the main uses of communication and a bit about them.
Mind Map by bambermolly, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by bambermolly over 9 years ago

Resource summary

Types of communication
  1. Formal
    1. This communication is used for things such as business meetings as they are more formal
      1. This means we have to be more professional
        1. For example "good morning, how are you
    2. informal
      1. We use informal communication to talk to people like friends and family
        1. We are able to use a more relaxed tone and speech
          1. For example "hi, hows it going"
      2. Braille
        1. used for visual impairments. a series of raised dots that can be felt by fingers
        2. verbal
          1. is the ability to explain and present your ideas in clear English.
          2. technological
            1. communicating through things like text message and emial
            2. written
              1. written records are good for communicating formal information that needs to be reviewed at a future date
                1. Written statements are much more permanent and if accurate when they were written they may be useful at a later date.
              2. sign languages
                1. usually used by the deaf or people that cant use a spoken language,
                  1. sign language provides a full language system for them, and enables them to communicate easily
                2. Non- verbal
                  1. non- verbal communication is messages that we send without using words.
                    1. We send messages using our eyes, the tone our voice our facial expression, our gestures, our body language.
                      1. For example if someone is yelling it usually means they are angry or frustrated
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