Touch and Temperature


dee see
Mind Map by dee see, updated more than 1 year ago
dee see
Created by dee see over 9 years ago

Resource summary

Touch and Temperature
  1. Mechanoreceptors Vary In
    1. Encapsulation
      1. Rate of adaptation
        1. Receptive field size
        2. Receptors in Skin
          1. Free nerve endings
            1. Pain, temp.
            2. Merkel's disc (touch)
              1. Not encapsulated, slow-adapting, small receptive size, upper level
              2. Meissner's corpuscle (touch)
                1. Encapsulated, fast-adapting, small receptive size, upper level
                2. Pacinian corpuscle (vibration)
                  1. Encapsulated, fast-adapting, large receptive field, lower level
                  2. Ruffini's ending (stretch)
                    1. Not encapsulated, large receptive field, lower level, slow-adapting
                  3. Afferent fibers
                    1. Aa (alpha-alpha)
                      1. Large, muscle fiber feedback
                      2. Ab (alpha-beta)
                        1. Of mechanoreceptors (pacinian, ruffini, meissner, merkel)
                        2. Alpha-delta
                          1. Pain, temp, free nerve ending
                          2. C-fibers
                            1. Smallest. Pain, temp, skin itch receptors, free nerve ending
                          3. Dermatomes
                            1. skin surface areas enervated by the dorsal roots of one spinal segment.
                              1. Shingles
                              2. Somatosensory pathways
                                1. Unipolar neurons
                                  1. Cranial nerves (facial)
                                    1. Carry touch & pain info from face, mouth, tongue & dura mater to cranial nerve nuclei in brainstem, then to thalamus
                                    2. Area 1 (texture, light, touch)
                                      1. Area 2 (size, shape, movement)
                                        1. Area 3A (join movement)
                                          1. Area 3B (light touch, size, shape, texture)
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