

Made by Dipti and Bhaskar
Vikas Bhandekar
Mind Map by Vikas Bhandekar, updated more than 1 year ago More Less
Vikas Bhandekar
Created by Vikas Bhandekar over 9 years ago
Vikas Bhandekar
Copied by Vikas Bhandekar over 9 years ago
Vikas Bhandekar
Copied by Vikas Bhandekar over 9 years ago
Vikas Bhandekar
Copied by Vikas Bhandekar over 9 years ago
Vikas Bhandekar
Copied by Vikas Bhandekar over 9 years ago
Vikas Bhandekar
Copied by Vikas Bhandekar over 9 years ago

Resource summary

  1. Challenges
    1. Experience
      1. 0-3 years
        1. Easy to learn new Skills and Technology
        2. >7 years
          1. Need Case study for this group
          2. 3-6 years
            1. 70% - Willing to change 30%- Reluctant to change
        3. Utilization
          1. On-Bench
            1. Billable
              1. Types Of Projects
                1. Dev Team Only
                  1. Test Team Only
                    1. Freedom To Choose
                    2. Dev and Test Teams
                      1. Freedom To Choose
                        1. PreAssesment & Classify The Batches
                          1. Dummy Projects/Shadowings
                            1. Periodic Assesments
                              1. Virtual Sessions
                                1. Class Room Trainings
                      2. L & C
                        1. Madatory Dev Ops E-learning Course
                        2. Staffing
                          1. Atrirtion 10 to 15%
                            1. Backfill with DevOps Resources
                            2. Campaigns
                              1. E-mails
                                1. Talent
                                  1. TechFiesta
                                    1. Yammer
                                      1. ScreenSavers
                                        1. Stalls
                                          1. Banners
                                          2. Organizational Assesment
                                            1. Quaterly Assesments Through Icompass
                                              1. Measure Progress With Prior Assesments
                                                1. Take Decision & Revised Action Plan
                                            Show full summary Hide full summary


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                                            Tech Terms
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                                            Application Monitoring
                                            S McG
                                            Breaking Bad
                                            Forces and Acceleration
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                                            Gender Theorists
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                                            An Inspector Calls - Quotes
                                            English spelling rules
                                            Sarah Holmes