The Essay CLE


MTN evalutation
Catherine Bae
Mind Map by Catherine Bae, updated more than 1 year ago
Catherine Bae
Created by Catherine Bae about 9 years ago

Resource summary

The Essay CLE
  1. Participatory
    1. Ageless
      1. Genderless
        1. Regionless
          1. No prerequisite
          2. Learn by doing
            1. using MTN
              1. Cutting
                1. measuring
                  1. Decorating
                  2. Constant challenge
                    1. Design
                      1. Creating
                        1. cover materials
                          1. Conditioning
                        2. Interconnected
                          1. social media
                            1. Google +
                              1. Meet Up
                                1. Twitter
                                  1. FB
                                    1. Flickr
                                      1. Instagram
                                    Show full summary Hide full summary


                                    The MTN
                                    Catherine Bae
                                    Ramisa Raya
                                    Cardiogenic shock
                                    Amelia Tuffley
                                    12 lead STEMI mimics
                                    Amelia Tuffley
                                    Amelia Tuffley
                                    Airway conditions
                                    Amelia Tuffley
                                    Acute coronary syndrome
                                    Amelia Tuffley
                                    Protestant Reformation
                                    Janine Regala
                                    Cardiac arrest
                                    Amelia Tuffley