Deep Vein Thrombosis


Min map on Irritant Contact Dermatitis
Mind Map by Spotlep, updated more than 1 year ago More Less
Created by Spotlep over 9 years ago
Copied by Spotlep over 9 years ago

Resource summary

Deep Vein Thrombosis
  1. Pathophysiology
    1. Thromus composed of platelets, fibrin and leukocytes develop
      1. Venous Stasis
        1. Hypercoagulable state (activation of bolo coagulation)
          1. vein damage (decreased wall contractility, and valve dysfunction)
          2. Clinical Presentation
            1. Edema in Extremity
              1. Pain at site
                1. Tenderness at site
                  1. Homans Sign (Pain and resistance to dorsiflexion in foot)
                    1. Warmth and/or Erythemia
                      1. Positive Thoracic outlet meneuver in upper extremities
                      2. Epidemiology
                        1. higher in hospitalized patient's by 20-70%
                          1. 600,000 hospitalized annually
                            1. Higher in Caucasian and African American than Hispanics and Asians
                              1. Complicated 1/1,000 pregnancies
                              2. Diagnosis
                                1. D-dimer test
                                  1. Coagulation studies (PT/INR, PTT)
                                    1. Ultrasound doppler studies
                                    2. Treatment
                                      1. Prophylactic Anticoagulation
                                        1. Endovascular and surgical interventions
                                          1. Physical Activity
                                            1. Compression Stockings
                                              1. Thrombolysis Medications
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                                              Irritant Contact Dermatiis_1